[Also, watch Al Gore give this 16-minute speech,
15 ways to avert a climate crisis, if you want to know what YOU can do. He's actually really FUNNY here!
Please also see this excellent LiveJournal blog for more:
Someone posted Al Gore's climate change film,
An Inconvenient Truth, online. It will scare the hell out of you about the real danger to millions of people living on the coasts of the San Francisco Bay Area, China, Europe, Florida, Manhattan, etc. if global warming continues.
Please watch it for FREE, before someone takes it down again. It has subtitles in Chinese, too.
http://www.tv-links.co.uk/show.do/4/3381 Al Gore likes to call this the "climate crisis," instead of only "global warming." His "Inconvenient Truth" site:
http://www.climatecrisis.net/ Also, please check out this excellent, science-filled site, for more on this problem:
http://www.climatechange.net/ It's by Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor of biology and environmental engineering.
This week, NASA said, in a scientific study, that we may have
just 10 years left before conditions get critical:Even "moderate additional" greenhouse emissions are likely to push Earth past "critical tipping points" with "dangerous consequences for the planet," according to research conducted by NASA and the Columbia University Earth Institute.
With just 10 more years of "business as usual" emissions from the burning of coal, oil and gas, says the NASA/Columbia paper, "it becomes impractical" to avoid "disastrous effects."
Please tell your friends and family to watch!