i wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me

Apr 27, 2005 22:40

today i took the day off work and went downtown with Cat ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

hebrew_thunder April 28 2005, 03:32:27 UTC
i moved into a dive, lol

but i made do. it is nice

i dig the robot with stars

jesus would be proud



_seamless_ April 28 2005, 03:56:46 UTC
thanks craigerz.

it's hard to tell in the pic, but the robot has kind of a gimp arm, so it's made or stars?
the arm, i mean.
it's hard to explain.



sebastianpasses April 28 2005, 05:43:09 UTC
hey man, i just wanted to let you know that there
are plenty of decent places around here that won't
put you and jay out too much. you'll definitely be
able to find a non-dive metal cat-accepting place.
just one thing, don't go to vanier because
vanier = really evil french ghetto. unless, you
know, you're into that sort of thing...


_seamless_ April 29 2005, 04:42:23 UTC
yeah, i was warned to stay away from Vanier.
anyway, when do you plan on coming to T.O?
cos jay and i will probably be coming up to Ottawa sometime soon,
and we could use a tour guide!




sebastianpasses April 30 2005, 05:52:26 UTC
yeah yeah, vanier is evil and scaaaary.
but yeah, im not going to toronto until
the end of august or something, so if
you need a tour guide, im your whoaaaa man. :)

later duder.


duelingmidnight April 28 2005, 08:07:42 UTC
THE BLUFFS! This time I see them and haven't fallen to my death.

^Michelle that's wicked. But not Wicked because the tickets are too goddamn expensive.

Shannon + Jay - I wanna meet Jade. She's adorable and she'll slobber all over me, and in that way we can both pretend to be German.

I love you,
and I'm out.


grrlwithlemons April 29 2005, 03:39:39 UTC

you're moving so far....
[not that i see you now anyways and we only live a city apart]

that tattoo is so cute.
he's the guy from youyesyou.net, oui?
i like the one with the two robots and it says
"you make me completely retarded"



_seamless_ April 29 2005, 04:44:48 UTC
everytime we are suppose to hang out, shit gets fucked up.
and now i work pretty much everyday until 1am.

i would like to hang out,
but i can never get ahold of you.
you're always all over the place!

anyway, call me sometime and maybe we could go to the drive in!
it's my new fav passtime.
but then again, i'm a loser.


yes, that is the guy from youyesyou.


_seamless_ April 29 2005, 04:45:37 UTC
jay did the robot tattoo!


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