NNiceEExcellentEEccentricDDashingSSkillful MMysticalOOrganicRRareEEarthy CControversialOOutrageousWWhimsicalBBubblyEExquisiteLLovingLLoving
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Go-Quiz.com Quality lines from the dungeon meme:
"You find yourself in a fire-ravaged corridor. Rich tapestries illustrate beatmania iidx."
"You are walking through a brick-walled bathhouse. You notice a chiselled epitaph to japanese dramas."
"You are in a cold burial chamber. On the wall, a coat of arms shows bemani and guitar freaks."
"You find yourself in a narrow catacomb. Bones are scattered in the shape of nintendo ds."
"You read the scroll marked 'BAKATARE'. The scroll explodes in a pillar of flame!" <死んだ(‥;)
"You quaff the potion marked 'KRSJIN'. It tastes like squaresoft."