Okay, for
maniacalmuse... though there's a hint of K/K if
smart_slytherin happens to be reading this. XD Yay for SOBettes!
Second year Potions was hardly a painstaking task for a skilled Slytherin such as Fallon Anderson. Not only was she blessed with the advantage of having Professor Snape as her Head of House, but her proficiency for potions would have been hard for him to fault even were she in Gryffindor (though of course, even the thought of being in this house disgusted her). Her Deflating Draught would no doubt have been among the best in the class - had she not been partnered with that incompetent idiot of a Gryffindor. He’d been rushed to the hospital wing with a shrinking head - though in Fallon’s opinion, it made no real difference. Not as if he ever used his head anyway. It was, of course, his fault, that she had been stuck here cleaning up after his inept abilities.
He would, of course, pay for having dumped this extra workload on her.
The next class was already filing in by the time she’d scrubbed his cauldron clean. Even with magic and her fellow second years Kate le Fey and Persephone Vafer by her side, it had been menial. She wanted nothing more than to get back to her dorm where she could write in peace…
… but of course, Fate had a sick, twisted sense of humor, and the worst of all atrocious obstructions was thrown in her path. He stood in front of her, with the audacity to be TALLER than her, arms crossed, smirking down on her…
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Baroness of Bitchiness.”
He grinned, obviously amused with himself, but Fallon was unimpressed to say the least.
“Warrington,” she began - almost politely, which seemed to set him on edge more than any threat would have, “in light of your… VAST intelligence on the subject” - Kate and Persephone both snickered loudly behind her - “tell me, what would happen if I accidentally poured this whole vial of Deflating Draught down the front of your trousers?”
Warrington did not seem to have an answer for this, the fear that flashed momentarily in his eyes wrought no doubt from the confidence that, if he did not answer her (and most likely even if he did), she would carry out the experiment to find out for herself. Kate, however, seemed to have come to her own conclusion. “Not much, in Warrington’s case,” she quipped easily, her eyes sliding to the Chaser’s right, where Kevin Bole had just entered the classroom. “But I’m sure Kevin would suffer devastating consequences…”
Whether or not Warrington heard this, his eyes did not leave Fallon’s, their shared contempt radiating in twin glares. However, he decided to cut the meeting short (perhaps due to the threatening presence of the Deflating Draught still in her hand), and shoved passed her with a gruff, “Twit.”
Not missing a beat, Fallon replied, “Git.” Her friends did not see her smile briefly as she left the dungeon classroom in the lead.