maniacalmuse, ever my Fearless SOBbing Leader, and, at the moment, my only friend. (Sad but true. :-P)
You have a beautiful smile.
What more can I say? It is warmth personified, made real in your gentleness, given life in your eyes. It is warmth and light and a thousand other sensations that bring to mind heaven itself.
You are my heaven.
Your smile captures the depths of the oceans, the free expanse of sky. It dispels all that tears away at me and makes it seem as though everything is right in the world.
You are my world.
Your dark eyes, your darker hair, the sweetness of your lips. You must have noticed how I stare, how this flame of obsession has consumed me in its ardor. I spend every second I can spare memorizing the lines and planes of your face, sculpted so perfectly, each second holding an eternity in which I strive to know you more.
I want to know you more.
You are a jewel, brilliant and bright. You are lightening, striking and strong. You are a goddess, eternal in my mind’s eye. You are light and shadow, softness and strength. You are my everything.
And you have a beautiful smile.