so heres the A$PEN pics..... all the wayyy babyyy!!
theres a hell of a lot just warning yuh
were just too cool...........
my crazay bro
awww. and aren't the gloves MAHVELUS!?
@ the pizza hut somewhere in the middle of no where
mohab rehab horseback riding. heck YES (o thats sher in front ha)
o ya.. im soo cool
o just in case ur wondering this is in moab utah..... ya so thats sheridan
aight its (right to left) liv, my mom, zach, me (and ma horse, rulan!!), sher (and, uh.... ill get back to yuh hehe)
sher y mi madre o sher's is yellow mellow hahaha sher and i have some good stories of her horse vs mine heehee
ok so its a group pic w/ the ranch ppl and soph's friend.o and RULAN MY BABY! and his ass..
were just so adorable...... yes i no
haha were such freaks. except we actually started falling @ the end there
yes, that is actually us wayyy in there.... hmm
liv and sher awwwwww
sher (aka STARBUTT--- dont ask) skiing!!!!
sher and this one girl rachel.. long story ask later if u reallyyyyyy wanna no (which u dont)
ahaha actually they were pretty good but this is when they were learning.... and when they still sucked
sophia sledding or whatever that thing is called
sheridan.... on the halfpipe.... thats cool in a crazy way
hot shit right thur
left -> right: me, sophie, liv, rachel, sher, zach
lil piggy
rachel me sher liv
i love this one
im guessing this is the xmas card??
umm.. wow.
--and then we went back to AZ and then sheridan left :-(
so theres my life 4u lol. on the new side i lost my cell in siobhan's car (shitshitshit) and if i dont find it i dont get another till september/august-ish, and im getting my braces of in august instead of september thank god. spring break started friday except we only get 1 week off but wutevah. o and im doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. so hit me up if ur free.. the movies r always open
much xoxo to u all-- lex
PS SHER: loveable lickable lesbo lexi lovvvves........... CHOCOLATE/if i go on the moguls will i scream? yes. will i scream like a girl? yes. will i scream like a PRETTY GIRL???? hahahahaha