(and yes that's a skirt)
Name: Luis Enciosa
Age: 19
Location: Miami, Florida
Sexuality: Straight
Animal: lemmings.... weee there goes another one
Music: Rock/Metal
Food: cuban
Colour: Orange or yellow
Type of chicken heh: Burbon
Movie: Gone in sixty seconds
Actor/Actress..which ever: umm don't have one
Disney movie: emperors new groove
Book.. u better answer this: do comic books count if so... I would have to say X-men: god loves man kills
Mod so far: ummm skye?
What u think of..
Mods? awesome... the best ummm.... (kissing ass :P
Weather outside? nightitme... umm.... yay
Lil sluts these days? lil sluts eh? how little we talking here... midgets? cause midgets are cool... umm... youngens... they can't wait
Old people? I hate when they drag on forever on nothing
Different races? dinnae care
Sports? yay football
Why should we accept u?
What will u bring to this community? Stupidity and more stupidity.
How many pairs of shoes to u actully own? 3 1 sneakers (velcro thank you very much :D) 1 pair of sandles, and one pair of the nice shoes
**Who did u promote to? anyone who I might find interesting BWAHAHAHAHAHA