Name: Margaux
Age: fifteen..and more then a half..
Location: vancouver
Sexuality: straiiii88888
Animal: Rat. they are small, they smell, they go through garbage, and at the same time, they are so cute!
Music: monkees. actual monkeys. the "OOO ooh i smell my balls" kind, come is music.. :/
Food: Chicken. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Colour: Red. Like blood. Like your blood.
Type of chicken heh: female? (all chickens are?)
Movie: um.. American Splendor. Yes. So sarcastic!
Actor/Actress..which ever: Jason Ritter. he emailed me twice today. I almost had a panic attack.
Disney movie: ew, i'd kill them ALL!! Die. Um, Finding nemo..? (haven't seen it in ages)
Book.. u better answer this : Sisterhood of the traveling pants.
Mod so far: The "Kate-Lynn" You can absolutely never deny her Punki-fied attitude and her bling bling cardboard, yo.
What u think of..
Mods? dey'r teh xxxx
Weather outside? Poopie!
Lil sluts these days? Can go all die for not 'spectin' themselves.
Old people? El-der-ly...Eh. What do I think of them? They are..members of society..
Different races? let's all be one with the world.
Sports? EW! Swimming is fine, If i wanted to die, i'd do actual sports. and i don't want to die. so, i don't.
Why should we accept u? because i'm grade-a geek. I mean. An actual geek...and...And..i can be funny..and stupid..and i walk in to doors..
What will u bring to this community? an extremely large bucket of...cheese..
How many pairs of shoes to u actully own? 12..i think.
**Who did u promote to? All my people. In my livejournal.