Name: Taryn Williams
Age: 17
Location: long beach, california
Sexuality: hetero
Animal: white tiger
Music: hardcore
Food: chicken alfredo fettichini
Colour: orange
Type of chicken heh: fried
Movie: drop dead fred
Actor/Actress..which ever: adam sandler
Disney movie: lion kind
Book.. u better answer this: "smack"
Mod so far: i have no idea,
xkatelynnx What u think of..
Mods? they're cute
Weather outside? its really fucking hot
Lil sluts these days? god damnnnnn them stealing my boys
Old people? they're funny
Different races? i'm not sure
Sports? i love swimming and soccer
Why should we accept u?
What will u bring to this community? i have character. plus i'm honest.
How many pairs of shoes to u actully own? 5..
**Who did u promote to?
__x__whisper i'm on the left
i'm the one with the blue eyes
i dont' really have any pictures with a funny face, and i have no camera to take pictures anymore so i guess this is the closest i can come to "funny"