Name: Heather-Anne (That's my first name, I don't have a middle name)
Age: 18 and I still don't have my license.
Location: Old Lyme, Ct
Sexuality: Hetereosexual
Animal: MONKEYS! I love monkeys! I have orange, blue, and pink monkey flip flops and like ten pairs of monkey underwear...My boyfriend even looks like a monkey. I'm just kidding on that one...I know I'm obsessive.
Music: I love all types of music, except for country. Rock is my favorite though and I'm not really in to the new whiny punk that's out.
Food: Steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, zuchini, and all fruit
Colour: Orange
Type of chicken heh: I love crispy chicken
Movie: The Princess Bride...the best movie ever!
Actor/Actress..which ever: Jennifer Aniston and Kiefer Sutherland.
Disney movie: The Little Mermaid
Book.. u better answer this: It changes every so often, right now it's Heart of Darkness
Mod so far: princesz_skye Seems to be the only one who actually wrote her user picture on the userinfo page rocks! Ha ha.
What u think of..
Mods? I'm a mod myself of my own community, Hey_good_lookin.
Weather outside? It's been too rainy and cold, but today is sunny. It still makes me feel pretty shi**y
Lil sluts these days? I hate little girls who dress like they're my age. My parents would never, ever let me dress the way most fourteen year olds dress these days. Nobody did when I was that young.
Old people? Some of them are really cute. Like the ones who still hold hands and the others are just grumpy and annoying, like the ones that come through my line at the A and P and complain about their bag being too heavy and how they wanted paper in plastic.
Different races? I am definitely not racist. I love everyone!
Sports? I am not a very sport oriented fact...I'm just plain lazy.
Why should we accept u? Because I have a great sense of humor and I work in a super market...I mean come much cooler can that be...oh yeah I also have an identical twin sister...that's kinda unique isn't it?
What will u bring to this community? my award winning criticism...that's what I'm known for ya know...of course it's not always bad criticism.
How many pairs of shoes to u actully own? 27
**Who did u promote to? All the childrenses that read my livejournal.
HmMm i had to chose between two silly pictures so I thought I'd put both of them in...the first one is when I did my friend Garrett's makeup and he did my makeup and hair. Ha ha and the second one is a really,really old one from a long time ago...I just look...weird and pale and dead...