(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 17:39


x. Slept in your bed: me

x. Saw you cry: no one.

x. You Got mad at: MY MOM

x. Spent the night at your house: dont member

x. Spent the night someone elses house:? Allies

x. You shared a drink with: mom

x. You went to the movies with: dont member

x. You went to the mall with: brittany, allie, cassie, shannon, kendra, arron, haden, chris, maxon, deven, kyle, and i think thats it

x. Yelled at you:  my mom

x. Told you they loved you: arron


x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: lmao, no.

x. Been to New York: no

x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:  um no

x. Had an imaginary friend: yeah


x. Red or blue: blue

x. Spring or Fall: spring

x. Are you bored: yeah more then you can imagine

x. Last noise you heard: my music playing right now

x. Last time you went out of the country: i dont think i have been?

x. Things you like in a the opposite sex:  body, personality, eyes.

x. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah

x. What book are you reading now: i dont read

x. Worst feeling in the world:
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: do i HAVE to get up right now

x. How many rings before you answer: 2 so that the # is on the caller id

x. Future son's name: Dakota Michael

x. Future daughter's name: Karley Rae

x. Do you have a cell phone: yes

x. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: who knows

x. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: righty

x. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys:? mostly

x. What's under your bed: nothing

x. Favorite room in your house: my room.

x. Siblings: 2 sisters, 2 brothers..kayla, megan, brandon, and ben

x. Location: linwood, mi

x. College plans: ??


x. Do you do drugs: no

x. Do you drink: yeah

x. Who is your best friend: Brittany, Allie, and Cassie

x. What are you most scared of: spiders

x. What clothes do you sleep in: pj pants n a t-shirt

x. Who is the last person who called you: my mom

x. Where do you want to get married: i dunno

x. Favorite number(s): 3

x. Are you timely or always late: usually late =P

x. Do you have a job: no but i will soon

x. Do you like being around people: yes, well my friends!

x. Best feeling in the world: being loved

x. Are you a health freak: no, not at all

x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: nope

x. Last tv show watched: music videos

x. Have a crush: yeah

x. Color of your room: wallpaper, ugly

x. Do you want to get married: yes

x. Do you want kids: yeah 1 or 2


x. Cried: yeah

x. Bought something: umm no

x. Said "I Love You": yeah

x. Met someone new:  no

x. Talked to someone: yeah

x. Missed someone: yeah

x. Hugged someone: yeah

x. Fought with your parents: yeah

x. Watched a movie: no

x. Had a lot of sleep: yeah, RIGHT


x. Name- Amanda

x. Age- 15

x. Sex- female

x. Location- Linwood


x. Hair color- brown

x. Hair length- medium?

x. Hair style- straight

x. Eye color- green

x. Race/ethnicity- white

x. Freckles or no? no

x. Any beauty marks? yeah

x. Birthmarks? yeah

x. Scars? yeah

x. Shape of face (i.e.: heart shaped, round, oval, square...)- idk?

x. What kind of eyes do you have (i.e.: almond shaped, big & round, hooded, etc.)? idk?

x. Height- 5’8

x. Weight- for me to know, and you to never find out =)

x. Do you keep your nails short or long? short

x. Do you paint your nails? yeah

x. What size jeans do you wear? 3 sometimes 5 cause of my butt =(

x. Shirt? S

x. Shoes? 8 & 9

x. Are you muscular, semi-muscular, or just plain skinny/fat? skinny (ppl say)

x. Broad or sloping shoulder? idk?

x. Are you curvy, boy-shaped, or in-between? curvy


x. What are your insecurities? dunno

x. Do you like yourself? not usually

x. Do you pay attention in class or daydream? usually daydream

x. Do you get your assignments done right away or do you procrastinate? usually i dont do them

x. Are you a perfectionist or could you really just not give a shit? idk

x. Do you have any obsessions/fetishes? no

x. Are you more serious, silly, or a little bit of both? depends on my mood

x. Do you like mint or fruit flavored things better? both

x. What is your dream car? umm i always wanted the orange/bronze grand prix! =)

x. What is your favorite shape? umm idk

x. Do you like to doodle? yeah

x. If so, what do you tend to doodle the most? hearts

x. Do you like to read? NO

x. Who is your favorite author? idk

x. What is your favorite genre of literature? i dunno.

x. Do you watch more TV or movies? TV

x. Which is better South Park or Spongebob Squarepants? ew

x. Slippers or socks? socks

x. Do you like photos in black & white or color? color. but some are cute in black n white

x. What is your favorite snack food? i like alot of diff ones

x. If you were about to be executed, what would your last meal be? thats a tuff one.

x. If you went to prison, would you be the bitch or the bitch maker? the bitch

x. Are you a leader or a follower? idk

x. Do you consider yourself unique? no

x. What do others think about you? who knows

x. Do you have many friends? yes

x. Have you ever tipped over a port-a-potty? um no

x. With someone in it? ....no

x. If not, would you? maybe

x. Have you ever played a game sexual in nature? yeah

x. Have you ever played a game which involved removing your clothing? yeah

x. Did you win or lose? both

x. Do you enjoy classical art? no

x. Abstract art? no

x. Who is your favorite artist? no one

x. Do you like to write? no

x. If so, what kind of things do you like to write? nothing

x. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? say whatt

x. Do you or have you ever been a self-injurer? yeah

x. What do you think of self-injury? ...

x. Are you very empathetic or are you an insensitive jerk?: ??

x. Are you immature? no

x. What do you think of the kids that pick on substitutes? its funny
x. Do you like this quiz? no. i had nothing else to do tho

arron, i love you so much!
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