thank u so very very much!
Color scheme: hot pink, light pink, white, orange, yellow, purple
Comment links text: ( 4 ♥ | am i totally fetch?)
Comment link alignment: centered
Picture to use between comment links: picture: Background picture position: topcentered
Background scrolling: no repeat
Background color: behind photo-light pink
Font type: arial
Font size: 8
Font color: white
Title: ♥Are You Totally Fetch?♥
Page Cursor: default
Link Cursor: crosshair
Text Alignment: left
Link Colors: (Put a color for each link state below)
- Unvisited: Purple
- Visited: Orange
- Active: Purple
- Hover: White
Link Decorations: (none, strikethrough, blur, flipping, bold, underline, overline, highlight, borders, glow, letter spacing) Please notice that some of those are only available for *hover*
- Unvisited: none
- Visited: none
- Active: none
- Hover: blur
Scroll bar colors: (arrow-hot pink, base-white, darkshadow-hot pink, track-white, face-white, shadow-white, highlight-hotpink, 3dlight-white) im not sure if thats wut i want. i want the scrollbar to be flat (not 3d) , the face white with a hotpink borderaround it, not too thick
Border type: dotted
Border thickness:3
Border color: white
Entry position: center
Entry box color: hot pink
Page transition: random
Other details can u do a side bar? if u can, i want it hot pink with a white border and just put Are You Totally Fetch? as the writing( i know how to fill in my own) that's cool if u cant tho
Have you requested this anywhere else? (no
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