Color scheme: (Specify all colors, or one color that you want Pink ,white light blue
different shades of. Please refer to
howto for a list of hexcolors if you're unsure.) FF99CC pink FF99FF pink Comment links text: ( 4 Thought about it | I bet you want the goodies)
Comment link alignment: right
Picture to use between comment links: (If applicable. Provide a LINK!)sry i dont have a link but if u kno a link i just want a heart
Background picture: (Provide the actual link, instead of the picture itself.)
either one for the picture w/e u think is best
Background picture position: (Center, left, right, top, topleft, topright, topcenter.)full page and if it dont go full then w/e u think looks best
Background scrolling: (Repeat, no repeat.) Repeat
Background color: (Behind the photo and/or instead of a photo.) clear/white
Font type:Tahoma
Font size:10
Font color: Black
Title:I bet you want the Goodies
Page Cursor: (
Cursors) + crosshair
Link Cursor: (
Text Alignment: (left, right, centered, justify) left
Link Colors: (Put a color for each link state below)
- Unvisited:black
- Visited:black
- Active:black
- Hover:black
Link Decorations: (none, strikethrough, blur, flipping, bold, underline, overline, highlight, borders, glow, letter spacing) Please notice that some of those are only available for *hover* blur
- Unvisited:
- Visited:
- Active:
- Hover:
Scroll bar colors: (arrow, base, darkshadow, track, face, shadow, highlight, 3dlight)black and brown and dark blue
Border type: (none, solid, dashed, dotted, double) dotted
Border thickness: (very thick (8-10), thick(5-7), medium(3-4), thin(1-2)) 3
Border color: black
Entry position: (Center, left, right.) left
Entry box color: none clear
Page transition: (
Other details (anything else? Have I forgotten to mention something or would you like something extra?):
Have you requested this anywhere else? (Notify us if anyone else fills your request faster than we are able to. no i have not
E-mail address: please make me this i will be very greatfull to who ever does if u need anymore info just tell me ur AIM and ill Im u