im new*

Nov 01, 2004 12:17

Color scheme: b93b8f, f9b7ff, d0d0d0, e6a9ec, 7e587e, c38ec7
Comment links text: ( 4 | MaKe a WiSh )
Comment link alignment: normal
Picture to use between comment links: --unless you can find a white or light pink one?!--
Background picture: i'd just like to use the same background color.. just with some swirls all over.
Background picture position: top left.... could it be a sort of fancy font saying "Avery Lynn" -- "You are my sunshine" anyway you wanna make it!
Background scrolling: fixed
Background color: b93b8f
Font type: Arial
Font size: 9
Font color: f9b7ff
Title: When You BELiEVE*
Page Cursor: something different
Link Cursor: ditto
Text Alignment: centered
Link Colors: (Put a color for each link state below)
- Unvisited: they can all be the same as the other 2 cursors
- Visited:
- Active:
- Hover:
Link Decorations: (none, strikethrough, blur, flipping, bold, underline, overline, highlight, borders, glow, letter spacing) Please notice that some of those are only available for *hover*
- Unvisited:blur
- Visited:blur
- Active: blur
- Hover: glow
Scroll bar colors: same colors as color scheme
Border type: double
Border thickness: thin(1-2)
Border color: one of the darker colors
Entry position: center
Entry box color:
Page transition: something nice :)
Other details (anything else? Have I forgotten to mention something or would you like something extra?):
Have you requested this anywhere else? (Notify us if anyone else fills your request faster than we are able to.
E-mail address: -- thank you so much!


What are you requesting? Friends Only Banner
Size/Pixels: um, something that will fit in my layout.
Picture to use:
Font & Color: match my layout
Text: Some type of Script
Designs: be creative :)
Extras: no thanks.
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