layout request

Nov 06, 2004 16:36

Hi there,

Hope I'm doing this right! I was looking through random LJs and i came across lifeless_tears and really liked her layout... but I wanted it simplified. Then I saw your layout and it's really great because that's how I wanted it to be simplified. I would like a mix of lifeless_tears and your community layout to become my LJ layout. Thanks!

Color scheme: White for both the original background and the textbox background
Comment links text: Keep as is on my site...( 1 hearty dish | feed us crap)
Comment link alignment: bottom right
Picture to use between comment links: N/A
Background picture: just a white background
Background picture position: N/A
Background scrolling: no
Background color: white
Font type: Arial
Font size: 11
Font color: black
Title: Pay Homage to the Porcelain Gods
Page Cursor: no change
Link Cursor: crosshair
Text Alignment: left
Link Colors: (Put a color for each link state below)
- Unvisited: purple (#993399)
- Visited: teal blue (#0066CC)
- Active: no change
- Hover: glow
Link Decorations: (none, strikethrough, blur, flipping, bold, underline, overline, highlight, borders, glow, letter spacing) Please notice that some of those are only available for *hover*
- Unvisited:
- Visited:
- Active:
- Hover: glow
Scroll bar colors: purple #660033
*For the following border information, can this be applied to the border of the textbox/entries? For instance, lifeless_tears has a black border with a thicker border for the subject heading.. that's the effect I'd like)
Border type: solid
Border thickness: thick(5-7)
Border color: purple #660033
You don't have this option but.. border text color: white
Entry position: left
Entry box color: white
Page transition: no change
Other details (anything else? Have I forgotten to mention something or would you like something extra?): For the whole box where all my entries will be, can that be made a little bit bigger than lifeless_tears' layout is? I'd want it only a little bit bigger in height and width. I'm sorry I don't know what the exact pixels are. And would this layout be applicable to the friend's page, too, right? Thanks sooooooo much!!
Have you requested this anywhere else? (Notify us if anyone else fills your request faster than we are able to.

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