Here is where you can find the Honeyblossoms after each new generation, also the house I built for them, and the family tree if you're not up to date.
Download a Honeyblossom:
Pixie (legacy founder)
Alys (generation two),
Fallon (generation two heir),
Gardenia (generation two),
Rika (generation two),
Robin (generation two)August (generation three),
Pelican (generation three),
Plum (generation three heir), Reine (generation three),
Amsterdam (generation four),
New (generation four),
York (generation four heir) Download the Honeyblossom Legacy house
It's on a 3x5 lot, is unfurnished and costs $46,244. I have Nightlife, Seasons, and Free Time.. so use Clean Installer if you don't have any of those EPs. It has two bathrooms, five bedrooms, and a big backyard. Since it was not originally my blueprints, I don't need credit.
Honeyblossom Family Tree
(Generation two heir)
(Generation three heir)
(Generation four heir)