I was bored waiting for friends last weekend. Maybe it was the excitement of having a new digital camera, maybe it was pure love for my action figures, or maybe it was just boredom.. who knows.. but.. well, just click.
Warning: Probably not work suitable, but can you really get in trouble for action figures in inappropriate positions?
Secret meetings..
And secret touches.. oh my!
Did Harry drop something?
No pictures, dammit!
But Draco isn't Harry's only lover!
(It really scares me how much Sirius looks like Jesus in this picture)
UH OH! Better take this to Springer!!
Sirius loves Buckbeak...
... Perhaps a little too much.
That can't be legal.
No one can part man and his hipogriff.
Demetor love.
I hope you enjoyed my little assailant to your eyes. Come back now, ya here?