If you have not seen Goblet of Fire yet, beware, spoilers afoot... but it's not like you don't already know how it's going to end. Horray for midnight premieres and not getting home til 5am!
Let it be known that I had extremely high hopes for this movie. I also was not feeling well durring the film and had an extremely intense headache and those could be reasons why I didn't like it too much. The first thing I said when the film ended was, "Was that it? Are they serious?" Out the massive group of members of
Atlanta HP I was one of the very few who didn't really like it.
The beginning... wonderful. I loved Nagini's sequence but I didn't like the dream so much. AND WTF WAS BARTY CROUCH JR DOING THERE? (butitsokbecauseheshot) We all already knew that the Dursely's were cut but JKSHKSJH that still irks me. And it never explained that they were going to the World Cup, and it didn't explain why they were there. The Weasly's were not in the top box. And I didn't like the stadium, I pictured it more like actual seating boxes than scaffolding. AND WHERE WAS NARCISSA? Um. *Points at self* Black sisters SUPAFAN right here. I want my Cissy. But HULLO, Draco and Lucius were SMOKIN as always. I do love me some Malfoys.
Where the hell was Winky? Where the hell was Dobby? Neville would NEVER steal from Snape, and it was implied... but i'm jumping ahead of myself here. The Death Eaters didn't burn tents. Where were the damn muggles floating with their underoos showing? And WTF was up with Harry like being trampled at the tent scenes? And Barty Crouch Jr (omgsexy) doing the mark the way he did? AHHHH. That annoyed me.
Hermione's makeup lines on her forehead on the train were icky. Enough said.
Snape was FABULOUS. Tee hee. He made me giggle and I wanted to hump him. The sleeves thing... *fangirl squeel*!
Maybe I read a different book than the rest of the world but last time I checked Beauxbatons was NOT all female. What is up with splitting the sexes of the schools like that? NOT COOL. And their little dance numbers... uuuuh? But I will admit I really liked those. See, I can handle non-canon.
Sirius in the fire? WHAT THE FOCK? That was wrong. He's not
Calcifer. That really, really bothered me.
The first task was pretty good. The Harry/Hermione hug was SO CUTE. It made me squee and I don't even sail that ship. I wish the dragon scene would have been a wee bit more canon though. They could have made that shorter, they gave waaaay too much time to the dragon and not enough to the things that really mattered *cough*graveyardscene*cough*.
I liked the Yule Ball. But HULLO... The Patil sisters are not in the same house. And I would have loved to see Fred ask Angelina the book way, "OI! Angelina..." Tee hee. Cho was great, I orginally thought i'd hate the casting for her but I was uber impressed. Hermione crying nearly made me cry. And while we're talking about crying.. OMG the classroom scene with neville brough tears to my eyes. NEVIILE WE LOVE YOU!!! (even if my favorite character tortured your parents into insanity)
And speaking of Fred and George... JHDJKHDKHDKJHD. They got so much play in this movie. It made me really happy. Everytime I see the Phelps twins I think "OMGIMETTHEM!!!!111!!". Haha.
The Pensieve scene pissed me off. Not a damn mention of Bella or Rodolphus. FUCK YOU MR.DIRECTOR!!!
The second task wasn't too bad except the CG on Harry was not too fantastic. And the whole Neville giving him the gillyweed was odd but we love Neviile so it's really ok. The second task was totally doable, it was close enough.
They jumped to the third tast WAY TOO FUCKING QUICK. I was like WHOA... is it that time already???? I hated the whole hedge scene. It made me woozy. It was just bad. Where were the creatures? WHERE WERE THE SKREWTS???? I really wanted to see them. WHERE WAS THE SPHINX??? UUUUG.
THE GRAVEYARD SCENE. OH MY GAWD. My long awaited scene, it's been so hyped up... so what did I think? Severely disappointed. The entire thing was like three minutes long. Voldemort acted like a cracked out toddler boucing around... HE IS NOT A MONKEY ON SPEED! HE is the DARK LORD, he is elegent and graceful, he sees himself as above everyone else and he carries himself with such grace. THE DARK LORD DOES NOT BOUNCE. And VOLDEMORTS EYES ARE NOT BLUE.... THEY ARE RED DAMMIT!!!.It's not that hard to get contacts, or digitally edit something. COME ON PEOPLE!!! Wormtail didn't baby his arm at all, he barely flinched. It was like CUT and whoo! The way the DE apparated in was amazing though, I loved that effect. Way neat. The wand connection should have been played up a weeeee bit more but it was mostly fine. There was just a hell of a lot lacking there. And I didn't see it (though I will be looking tomorrow night when i see it again) my friend Vikki says that Bella was in the grave yard scene. OMFG. BELLLLLA! But she's in Azkaban. That's.. not.. right. DIE. But Bella *squeezes her*.
Cedric's death... I cried but it felt a bit forced. Dan's acting was horrible when he returned to the stadium. Michale Gamblin's acting was a huge let down as well. Maggie's was supererb. RUPERT WAS AMAZING. But oh man, when Mr.Diggory saw Cedric... tears rolled. Where was Barty Crouch Jr's confession? JKSKJSHKHD.
WHERE WAS THE TRIWIZARD WINNGINGS??? How will Weasly's Wizarding Wheezes ever begin? And Dumbledore's speech was not as great as it could have been. Would it have been that hard to add in "Remember Cedric"? That line always killed me.
Even looking at the movie from a totally non-book perspective- it was too fast. It flew by and didn't run along smoothly. It was confusing to people who even had read the book.
I just really feel like it was lacking. But as I always say, by normal standards it was good... but by Harry Potter standards it wasn't so hot. It's not great when your first impression is "I hate it." I'll be seeing it at least once or twice more this weekend and I'm sure I'll like it a lot more the second time around. The initital OMGTHATSWRONG! shock has to wear off first.
EDIT: I almost forgot...
THE BATHTUB SCENE. Ahaha.. I actually liked it but whoa.. child molestation.. that was just creeeepy. Myrtle is like grinding him. Ha.
There was something else but i'll probably have to edit this again later when i remember.