lmao yeah the one on gratiot next to Izzy's. I forget the name. no joe's not voting, that's andy lol. andy asked him why he should vote for him, and Devos said "because I'm a businessman who's going to turn Michigan around" and andy said "sold." lol i thought that was funny he was there tho
I need to talk to Andy about that one. My dad's a businessman too, but you don't see him running for office, although he could probably manage things a hell of a lot better than DeVos. I hope you're voting, and you need to get on Joe to register. Andy can vote for him on that (empty and VAGUE) promise, but he also doesn't have the same threats posed against him if DeVos wins. The man wants to overturn Roe v.s. Wade. You can be morally opposed to abortion (I am), but endangering the health of women by denying them that choice and medical options, and forcing them to go to extreme, even deadly lengths for a procedure that can otherwise be performed safely and legally, just because YOU don't believe in it? The thought alone makes my skin crawl. It's setting women back. And the fact that he won't even allow it in cases of rape or incest makes me livid. To force women to suffer the consequences of violent acts inflicted upon them and bear that burden forever, just because he doesn't think it's right; the concept makes my head spin. Man,
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Comments 5
Please tell me that just because he met the guy and he gave him a free t-shirt, Joe's not gonna vote for him? Talk him out of it!
plus, the boys were probably drunk.
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