About You!
1. Hi, how are you? awesome
2. Fine? I'm not feeling bad. How's the family? grumpy
3. How old are you exactly? pushing the big one-eight
4. That young!! Geezus. Do you have any pets? of course
5. Aren't you allergic? nope
6. Do you understand ghetto talk? yeah
7. U do! Thats so aweessome, dude. Ever smoked? thats not ghetto talk, but ok. and uhm. no!
8. No? How bout' did drugs? heck no
9. Gee, you live a boring life. What's your music taste? i like teh punk rock and teh punk stuff and tons of oldies with a slight side of pop, but only on occasion. and rap flows into the mix, like whoa. Blink-182 pwns you all
10. Heyy that band's semi-cool. Do you enjoy your life? of course.
11. That's great. back to family.. what's your mom's name? Linda
12. Dads? Arthur
13. Siblings? Glenda, Laura, and Amanda
14. Pets? Dixie, Mushu, three birds and 2942934 fish and a bunny named Kitty
15.Are you always on your computer? not always, but yeah...
16. Well, why not! why? because i have nothing better to do
17.Do you like to do anything that requires effort? depends on what kind of effort. and sometimes
18. YOU DO! That's.. strange. Do you like to be organized? i like organized messes.
19. Do you procastinate? always. thats what im doing right now.
20. Do you like school? yes
21.Do you like to recieve mail, with your name on it? only when its from someone i know..
22. Do you have a lot of friends? no
23. How many people, are around you at all times? one except during the summer. well, two, but the second one isnt by choice
24. DO you have online friends? i do
25. How many online people do you have? ones that actually count? that are actually my friends? lets count. 11.
26. Are you a follower or a leader in your friends? i certainly dont follow
27. Out of all your friends... who would you say.. that you would eat first if you were on a deserted island? kristen because i bet she tastes good.
28. Who would you eat last? marc because hes too cool to eat. or rachel.
29. Would you ever think about a friend, before yourself? always have
30. As a child, were you a big fan of sleepovers? no
31. How many little friends do you have living inside your head? one!
32.Out of all your friends: do you believe that there is a mediator? If so, who? no
32. Or a Comic? If so, who? rach?
33. How bout' a devil? If so who? kristen michelle capler
34. How bout' one that is just there? If so, who? ally
35. Do you believe your social life is perfect? yep, no action what so ever!
36. DO you have dreams of killing your friends? no..
37. Food? mexicantastic
38. Color? green
40. Song? the punk cover of torn. i dont know who its by, but its good.
41. Favorite animal? bunnies!! and doggies!
42. Favorite Website? www.blink182.com or www.google.com
43. Favorite Email server? hotmail, but it doesnt work for me anymore
44. Fabric? uh??
45. Shoe Store? SHOE CARNIVAL $$$$$$$$$$ SALES $$$$$$ IM A SHOE WHORE
46. Deodorant? teen spirit, bitch
47. Perfume? does axe count?
48. Boy's name? andrew
49 Girl's name? kitana/andrea
50. Favorite CD? Cheshire Cat
51. Soda or Pop? SODA all the way
52. Live or Die? live
53. Purple or Green? green
54. Cat or dog? dog
55. Boat or train? neither.
56. Typing or writing? writing
57. Study hall or prison? study hall
58. Friends or Foe? friends
59. Periods or commas? commas
60.CD-Rom Games or Online Games? cd roms
61. Phone or Online Chat? phone with someone i like, online with my friends
62. Internet: Research or commuication? communication
63. Sprite or Dr. Pepper? dr pepper, all the way.
64. Mountain Dew or Pepsi? mountain dew
65. Doctor Appointment or School? school
66. White out or redo? redo
67. End Hunger or End Crime? end crime
68. A million dollars, what would you do? get my family out of debt and buy shoes.
69. A brand new car, and your 16th birthday... what would you do? not accept it
70. Nice handsome girl/guy that loves you and only you, what would you do? get in their pants
71. Moving anywhere in the world? Where would you move too? san diego, california
72. Moving anywhere in the USA? Where would you move too? san diego, california
73. Moving anywhere in your town? Where would you move too? my old house
74.Where would you move your computer if you could? my room
75. What's one thing that would amuse you, to see your parents do? act sane for 10 minutes
76. Do you believe in love? yes
77. What is your chance of finding a girl/guy of your dreams? one in a million
78. What age do you think you'll be when you meet that special someone? 22
79. What age is it when you think that you'll be married? 25-30
80. Having kids? hopefully.
81. Getting in family/in-law conflicts? eeek
82. If you could love anyone, dead; alive; rich or poor who would it be? your mom
83. Juice or Milk? juice
84. Pens or pencil? pens
85. Sweets or fats? huh?!
86. Dimes or nickles? dimes
87.Webcam or video camera? video camera
88. Sandles or tennis shoes? tennis shoes
89. Batteries or electrical outlets? batteries
90. Fire or Water? water
91. What do you think of the person who sent this to you? they can rot
92. Who do you think will be the last person to send this back? your mom
93. Who will be the first? your dad
94. Who will erase this and not read it? your brother
95. Who will just not check their email for a couple months? your sister
96. Who will IM/Email you 24 hours after you send this and yell at you for sending it to them? your dog
97. Do you think people should fill this out? yes
98. Would you get mad, if you got no response from any of your friends? yes
99. Did you enjoy my survey? of course
100. It's done! Final question. Is your boredom you had when you started this survey, gone? yes
Of course it is!