Bangle Spree 2 *CLOSED*

Nov 02, 2007 22:23

Bangles at a GREAT price. 10 designs to choose from. Limited stocks.

Feedback: +11/-0

Confirmed & Paid Orders
1. Ivy/lovebedazzled
2. ling b/krystalyst
3. Chelsea/mimylassy
4. Yiru/tkimuru
5. Nikki/ernikki
6. Yixuan/cathyxuanxuan
7. Jeanette/royaltyofpurple
8. janet/kurenai77
9. Marissa/applepiexin
10. Amelia/Brownaddict

There are two types of bangles, Wood and Tape on. W stands for wood whereas T stands for tape on. Tape on are those which are sold at Ice Lemon Tea shop.

ALL bangles which you see here are priced at

(T1 to W7) $4.50 per piece or 3 for $12


(T8 to T10) $3.50 per piece or 3 for $10

Measurement are 6.5 cm to 7.1cm.

NO more W4, Do Not Order. Thanks!

Terms & Conditions

1. Only paid orders are confirmed orders.
2. Only POSB/DBS transfer. Please transfer using your LJ nick for IB. For ATM transfer please state clearly the ref no ,date and time. If I cannot find transaction, I will not take in your order.
3. Reply to your own post with your payment transaction details.
4. I will not be held responsible for any loss of items via normal ordinary mail. Please opt for registered mail which provides a tracking number for peace of mind.
5. If you have any enquiries, do email me, please help to keep the thread neat.

Details of the spree

1. My email address

2. When will I stop taking orders.
♥Depends on the respone.

3. How to make payment to me:
♥POSB Saving 198-11741-2

4. Distribution of items:
♥Normal/Registered mail ONLY.
♥No meet-up

5. Postage Charges
♥50 cents will be charge for each participant to cover cost of envelope / packaging / tape.
♥1-2 items: $1.00 (50 cents stamp)
3-4 items: $1.30 (0.80 cents stamp)
5-7 items: $1.50 ($1 stamp)
7 items or more will advised later.
* Additional 2.24 for Reg mail.

6. Format of order (all fields must be filled):

Real name, LJ nick:
Email add:
Bank Acct no:

Item Name: T1
Qty: 1
Price: $4.50

Total Price = [4.50 * 1] + [local postage - refer to point 5 above] =
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