Forever 21 Spree 3 - Reopened for 3rd batch!

Sep 14, 2006 13:58

*Reopened to take in 3rd batch (last & final batch!)

Lurve this site - wonderful updates at affordable prices! Lets hope they continue free shipping within US!

Batch I (closed & ordered) milodrinker       
angelic_st4r (OOS & refunded!

Batch 2 (closed & ordered)                             
vintagepinkcat (1 item OOS & refunded)    
silvercres (OOS & refunded)
straat (OOS & refunded)                                     rolypolyrainbow

Terms & Conditions

By participating in this spree, you agree to the following terms & conditions set :
  • Orders will only be placed based on payments received first (as reflected in my internet banking statement) and it is only up to the spree cap (limit) stated as I do not like the thought of incurring GST.
  • Payments will only be accepted if it is from DBS/POSB Internet Banking. Inter-bank transfers & ATM transfers will strictly NOT be accepted as it does not reflect your livejournal nick.
  • Kindly add your items into the basket first, to check for the status of the item before ordering, to prevent back-ordered or out-of-stock items (both of which I will not order).
  • Orders for prohibited items (please refer to will not be accepted. Items which the merchant does not allow to be shipped will also not be accepted.
  • Orders with any cancellation or amendments should be deleted and re-posted.
  • Orders will be placed based on the URL given if the item name/price does not correspond accordingly. So, kindly check through your orders carefully.
  • Reply to your own post with your payment transaction details.
  • I reserve the right to cancel the spree if there are not enough orders to make the spree beneficial for everybody or if there are unanticipated situations.
  • I will not be held responsible for any wrong orders shipped or any damage resulted enroute to Singapore.
  • Distribution of items will only be via mail (normal / registered). I will take necessary precaution to protect your items during mail delivery.
  • I will not be held responsible for any loss of items via normal ordinary mail. So, please opt for registered mail which provides a tracking number for peace of mind.
  • I will be responsible for updating the spree-ers (by the email given) for any updates regarding the sprees.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Website of indulgence :

When will I stop taking in orders : USD150 cap for final batch! or Tues, Sept 26 (2200hrs) whichever comes first!

How to contact me :

How to make payments to me : POSB Savings 136-39737-0
- Orders will be placed in order based on payments received.

Exchange Rate : 1 USD = 1.63 SGD

Distribution of items : - Normal / Registered Postage only (no meet-ups).
- S$0.50 will be charged for each participant of the spree to cover cost of envelope/ packaging / tape / plastic wrap.
- There will be an additional S$2.00 applicable for registered articles.

Shipping Details : via comGateway. 4.5% of total amount will be applicable for their concierge services. I will be collecting initial shipping of S$3/- per item. Any insufficiency or excess will be let known to you during the 2nd payment for the top-ups/refunds done accordingly.

Item Weightage :
Light (Earrings, hair stuff, rings, scarfs, leggings, etc) - 0.5 item
Normal (Tops, sun glasses, suspenders, other jewelry not stated above) - 1 item
Slightly above Normal (Belts, bottoms, skirts) - 1.5 item
Heavy (Denim stuff, dresses, outerwear, sweaters, bags, leather stuff) - 2 items

Payment Details :
1st Payment : Price of item (USD) * 1.63 * 1.045 + (S$3 * no. of items) = Price (SGD)
2nd Payment : Top-ups / (Refunds) + Local Postage + $0.50 (for envelopes/packaging)

Format of Order :

Name / LJ Nick :
Email Address :
Bank Details :

Item Number 1

Item Name :
Color :
Size :
Qty :
Product Code :
Price in USD :

Item Number 2

Item Name :
Color :
Size :
Qty :
Product Code :
Price in USD :

Total number of items =

Total Price in USD =
Total Price in SGD = USD * 1.63 * 1.045 + (S$3 * no. of items)

Payment Details - Please post payment transaction details in reply to your own post.
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