Candles, Essential Oils & Burner are ready in stock. Get ready for this christmas season and light up your house with beautiful lightning and scent. All stock are imported from Germany except burners.
Closing on Monday, 4 Dec at 1900 hours.
Essential Oil, $3.50
- Available in 5 kind of essential flavours: Lemongrass, Mandarine, Lavender, Grapefruit and Orange.
Essential Oil Burner, $10
- available in three colours: Green, Black and Purplish Red. *left with 3 green, 1 black and 1 Purplish Red*
- the one which is in green and black has a design of lotus while the one in the Purplish Red has a design of apple.
Essential Oil + Burner, $12
- Choose any one of the three colours which you want for the burner
- Choose any one of the essential oil flavours from the above
Limited Piece, $23
- Only one piece available.
- Come with one essential oil flavours from the above and three tealights candles.
Colourful Long Candle, $7
- come in three colours, starting from the left will be in orange follow by red and lastly blue.
- no scent.
Colourful Ball Candle, $6
- they don't come with one identical colour which means that each one of it, is unique so the supplier will randomly pick the colour for me.
- no scent.
Term & Conditions
- No payment = No orders
- Only POSB/DBS transfer. Please transfer using your LJ nick for IB. For ATM transfer please state clearly the ref no ,date and time. If I cannot find transaction, I will not take in your order.
- No cancellation of orders once it is placed.
- Reply to your own post with your payment transaction details.
- I will not be held responsible for any loss of items via normal ordinary mail. Please opt for registered mail which provides a tracking number for peace of mind.
When will I stop taking orders: When I've enough orders
How to contact me:
How to make payments to me: POSB Savings 198-11741-2
Distribution of items:
- Normal / Registered Mail
- S$0.50 will charge for each participant of the spree to cover cost of envelope / packaging / tape / plastic wrap.
- There will be addational S$2.20 applicable for registered articles.
OR one mass meet-up at Chinese Garden MRT Station ONLY. (will confirm when at a later date).
Format of Order:
Name / LJ Nick:
Email Address:
Bank Type / Bank Account No:
Item Name:
Total Price =