Spring has finally sprung. As much as I love snow, I'm glad that old bitch Winter has moved on down the road. I just completed the first lawn mowing, the first car ride with my window down, and the first non-muddy dog poop scooping. I love spring; except that now I have quite the list of chores to do.
1) Finish the shop I started. Exhibit A:
That was the state of my shop as of the middle of December and is in the same state today. Hopefully I can rectify that within the next month. To be done, it only requires me to finish the siding, add trim, hang the double doors, hang the double doors for the large window, paint, caulk, and wire it for 110 & 220. Then I can move in some power tools and start making chips!
2) Build builtin bookcases, cabinets, lateral files, and a desk in the study. Right now I have one-half of the room moved out. I need to finish moving everything; rip up the carpet and baseboard trim; order the cabinets, plywood and moulding; build the builtins; and paint. The good thing about this project is that it will justify a miter saw!
3) Repair the downstairs bathroom sink pedestal. This isn't a job on par with the above. But I hate plumbing so much that I dread it the most. Why is plumbing so damned complicated?!? I swear the fitting standards go back to the Roman Republic. In fact, I don't know why they are called "standards". They should call them "arbitraries" or "pulled-out-of-my-asses".
4) Clean up the garage. Given that quite a few tools are in there, this has to wait on #1.
5) Clean, paint, and ready the nursery. The baby's due in September. :( Fortunately, that gives me plenty of time to work on the room. Unfortunately, it allows my wife to devise all sorts of fiendish to-do lists.
Sometimes, just sometimes, I bite off more than I can chew.