And that includes sleeping.
The sun is up outisde her window and that normally helps keep away the worst of the dreams. Rogue has been dredging around in her mind, though. Trying to fix things means that sometimes you have to go through some bad things first, your mind has to do some digging before you can set about on the right path.
And if it were just her nightmares, she'd be better off.
They're a mix of so many others that she gets lost in them. Her own are in there, of course, with looking into the mirror and no longer being able to recognize her own face. There are places where they blend together with those of others being a prisoner, being experimented upon.
There are dark places and there is a lot of blood - very little of it her own and even less of it spilled by her.
But in the end, she ends up on the bank of a river, looking out at the water. The river is so peaceful, the sound of it sliding by the tree she's under. She knows she shouldn't look into the water. She's had this dream before and she knows she shouldn't look but she does, she always does. Looking back up at her is Cody and his hand reaches out just as her's does for him. Leaning down, she touches his hand, dipping her fingers into the water to do so. Leaning still, she brings her lips to his, kissing the surface of the river, almost looking like a penitent in obeyance to the river.
Her lips touch the water, touch Cody and their positions are suddenly reversed. She is beneath the water and unable to breathe. Cody releases her hand as if casting off and anchor and she quickly begins to sink, losing light and substance as she does so. The further down she does, the less and les she is certain of - until as the light winks out there is all and nothing.
And she is all and nothing.
And the river flows on.