Just a short post with a longer one to follow...since I just realised that it is 3 am and althou I am much much much to awaken for that time...I really should at least think about shutting down my computer. So I can't promise how coherentthis post will be
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Comments 5
I have reached Season 3 with only 2 Episodes left. :( (There are definitly too few episodes each Season)
Strangly I have no problems with the other interrests. And I have to say that I adored Maggie.
I can actually see Nate-Sophie and really like them and Parker/Eliot/Hardigan definitly make one of the best OT3 there is. *gg* (Who BTW have much too few stories written for them ; ) )
Only that after reading ~700KB in the Black Knight White knight I have soft spot for Eliot/Nate as well. : )
I don't really read much ff for this ff. So I only have what are my perceived feelings for the pairings and moresomes that I ship. At the moment I'm not reading mostly inception. I believe it is kinda addicting...
If you want I can send you Season 3. I have not yet seen the end of the last episode but everything else....Since seeing it would mean nothing new till December 18. So it is 5 minutes of episode 313 every other day.
Me I am currently a slightly bit obsessed *g* and completly in love with Leverage. ; )
And it does help over the fact I am currently not very happy with Merlin Series three
And I have infected my whole family. My brother and his fiance have seen the whole 3 Seasons as well. And only my mother is stuck with Season 1 since there is no transtlation for the other 2 yet.
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