Title: Cain and Abel
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2,523
Summary: Mikey admired his brother so much, he'd be just like him if he could. And how he wished he could.
Dedicated to: Lucy (
whisperingtome),Gerard's biggest fangirl the sweetest and most patient beta in the world, my cute girlfriend, and Joo, Emmz and Rima, that bother me while I'm trying to
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Comments 48
Wonderful techniques.
You evoked teary eyes.
Oh hey, I got a dedication! I live to bother you *smiles sweetly*
Oh Mikey. I loved it, the concept, the way you wrote it, everything. It felt real, gah. I love your writing.
Awwww. *hugs* Don't cry, Emmy.
Of course! You know I lurve it, bb *wink*.
Thank you, dear. <3
Awww I got ya all mushy again, mean!Rima. *pokes* Is that a heart I see?
Actually, I am aware you only commented again to show me you've got a bighair!Frank icon and I don't. You bitch. *licks*
Evil!Camys, I'm not being mushy. I just like the story. Just accept it okay. You smelly duck.
Great, Camyssaliva all over my face. Ick. :p
(Btw, I met this girl and her name is Icqie, but you pronounce it like 'icky' and it was so difficult not to make a stupid joke about it.)
Yes, you are. ;D
Hey, I'm no smelly duck! *smells self* At least, no duck!
U no u luv it bb.
(LOL I probably would laugh at her face, the poor thing. And call her "eeeew" all the time.)
Haha, your icon!Adam is so hardcore.
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