ps. so i saw pirates of the caribbean: dead mans chest last night and i just wanted to say, that as much as i loved orlando bloom... i love him soooooo much more now.. ohhh wow
4am ... can't sleep cause i keep thinking i should be studying. 9am ... i am leaving to go back to Brock.. going to be one fuckin long day! ugh. exams haven't even started.
so, i live on th 2nd floor in my res. 4th floor had a toilet flood problem. the water decided to go through the walls, and flood our bathroom. now our whole res smells like sewage. it's not exactly fun. oh, and it ruined my poster, and the wall is now all mushy because it got to the drywall. ugh. that's my update of res life. take care. laura.xoxo
sooooo i basically love being a bitch for no apparent reason at all....... NOT. i hate itttt.... worst thing of my lifee but yup.. that was me this week... so sorrrrrrrrrrry to all! st patrick's day is on friday and i cant waittttt! go team greeeeen! haha