Sorry about that, pics are now working :)
New Pictures!!!
I'm so sad the summer is coming to an end! :(
Ok, I hope I fixed it, I used something other than PhotoBucket, so I'm sorry if they are huge :(
Ryan and I on the boat from this weekend. My mom isn't very good at taking pics, hehehehe.
My friend Dan's 25th we are doing a Jager Bomb...I'm totally winning! hehehehe!
My friend Rebeccca, me, Ryan, and Dan
Rebeccca and I were thirsty! hahahaha!
Reasons why I shouldn't have a camera when I'm'll get a lot of pics just like this one! :) (where I'm taking the pic)
My friend Iris and I hanging out a different time....I don't know why I made this face.
My friend Kim and I on a ghost investigation at a really haunted restaurant and club. It was really fun :)
Thats all for now, bye bye summer :(