01. People often make assumptions about me.
02. I'm wearing something that is gray.
03. I've never been to Quizno's.
04. I love Pizza Hut pizza.
05. I'm currently craving pizza.
06. I need new earbuds.
07. Earbuds > headphones.
08. I download music off the internet regularly.
09. I've only downloaded a movie off the internet once or twice.
10. I love watching live performances, especially if they are good.
11. I eat bananas when I have headaches.
12. I headbang often.
13. I recently did a lot of shopping.
14. My sibling is not home right now.
15. Nutella is the shit.
16. I love decorating just about anything.
17. I prefer vanilla cake to chocolate cake.
18. I prefer chocolate icing to vanilla icing.
19. I'm honestly not impressed with Mac products.
20. Besides the iPod.
21. My favorite party food is chips and salsa.
22. I love Italian restaurants.
23. I get car sick easily.
24. I love to bake.
25. I've never tried steak before.
26. I've never had roast beef, either.
27. I have a lot of guilty pleasures.
28. Most of them are musicians or types of music.
29. I love Grand Theft Auto.
30. I don't do much on New Year's Eve.
31. My parents are nowhere near strict.
32. One of my family members is angry with me right now.
33. I almost never wear shoes inside my house.
34. I haven't bought something from a vending machine in forever.
35. Sloppy Joes don't sound appetizing.
36. Angel food cake is THE BEST.
37. My favorite color of autumn leaves is the bright yellow kind.
38. I wear tank tops in the winter.
39. I've started wearing my winter coat already. (one of them)
40. My winter coat is patterned.
41. It's also more than one color.
42. Someone in my house is cooking something right now.
43. When I try something new, most of the time I won't like it or will not try it again.
44. I still watch Spongebob.
45. I'm already starting to listen to Christmas music.
46. It rained today.
47. I love clementines.
48. I hate when the day goes by too slowly.
49. My favorite band is currently recording a new album.
50. Something I'm wearing is striped.
Have you ever received anesthesia or morphine? yeah
If you could try an illegal drug, with no negative consequences whatsoever, which one would you choose? no thanks
How much have your aspirations changed since you were a kid? a lot
If you had to choose which video game to be in, which would it be? hm..
Between the two, would you rather live in a place where it's only night or where it's only day? only day
Is there anyone that makes your skin crawl? *shrugs*
What's a band/artist that you enjoyed before, but no longer like anymore? manowar (except for like 3 songs)
What consecutive ages (13 to 14, 14 to 15, etc.) do you think you grew up the most emotionally/mentally? 18-19, 19-20
In your eyes, when do you stop considering a person a friend? we never communicate
Do you like it when people are affectionate with you? i can
Have the past few days been bad, good, or neutral? alright
Are you more likely to rant or vent in real life or on Xanga? real life
If you had to be an actor/actress in a movie, what genre of the movie would you be best at? uh
In your opinion, does the world make people cruel or do people make the world cruel? uhh
Are people more likely to tell you to tone it down or to speak up? speak up
What's the last thing that you procrastinated? chores
Out of fire, earth, water, wind, light, and dark, which element appeals the most to you? earth, etc
What's one thing that you wish was real? hm..
Is there anything (show, comedian, etc.) that you constantly quote or make references to? kinda
What's your favorite color on a vehicle? hm..
Do you usually have to make yourself get over someone or does it just happen naturally? it just happens
The last pain that you experienced, was it physical or emotional? physical
What was one of your favorite songs as kid? "my heart will go on"-celene dion
Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? possibly
When's the last time you tried to get revenge, if ever? uh
things relating to wordsfrom_myheart::
when i have it i will give exact change on a bill for something.
i haven't seen my best friend in over a week at this point.
my best friend's family is like my second family, i love them to death.
i have good intentions, but a lot of the time they come off really wrong.
when i'm upset i completely shut everyone out.
i rarely apologize anymore, and if you get one out of me no doubt i mean it with all my heart.
i don't give people the benefit of the doubt, i will drop you at any sign of things going bad.
i feel like things in my past have way too much a hold on me now, cause it's fucking me up.
my favorite thing to do is to travel to places i've never been, or just to a place where no one knows me.
i really like it when certain members of my immediate family leave for a few days or something, it's nicer being home.
i could live off of barqs rootbeer, that drink is my addiction.
i put my heart into everything, i don't believe in going half ass with it.
i've never once moved, i've lived in the same place and house all my life..i wish that wasn't the case though.
i have this tendency to ruin the good things that i have going for me so it seems.
wordsfrom_myheart future home includes::
i want a good dvd collection.
i want comfortable couches that people can crash on and sleep well.
i want good sized bedrooms and pretty furniture in them.
i want colorful walls in all of the house.
i want a separate beach house to go stay at in summer, one that is old fashioned.
i want a wrap around porch with rocking chairs on them.
i want a bonfire pit in the backyard.
i want to have pictures of my friends and family on display for guests to see.
i want paintings or photography on the walls of pieces that i love.
i want to make sure there is a guest bedroom so that if someone needs a place to stay i can offer a bed.
i want my house to be a home and for it to be comfortable and welcoming.
obviously things wordsfrom_myheart doesn't give two shits for::
i hate the taste of beer.
i hate when people are invading my personal space.
i hate when i'm like at a store or something and who i have to talk to can't speak english, we're in america speak english.
i hate when someone texts me and i respond and then they say nothing else, why the fuck you text me!!
i hate feeling foolish.
i hate how heavy and gross sunblock and stuff like that feels on my skin after i put it on.
i hate when you're always talking to someone or with them and it gets to the point where you have nothing to say.
i hate having to look at someone who has an ugly tattoo on them.
i hate how my hair feels when it's greasy, along with that i hate when you can tell someone hasn't washed their hair.
i hate when i see like a picture somewhere or see someone in like a shirt that you love but have no idea where to get it from.
i hate when someone asks for my opinion then argues with me about it.
i hate twitter, and i hate when people update their facebook like it's their damn twitter account.
i hate when i'm waiting for someone to respond just to realize sending the message failed.
things wordsfrom_myheart would like to say to people::
in the short time that me and you were with each other so much happened that has changed me. it's unbelievable.
i love you to death, but you are one of the most selfish people i have ever met and how you act makes me so angry.
i wish that we could just fucking be one thing and stay constant for a little, but no we're always off balance in everything that we are. if i hadn't gotten used to it, i wouldn't be able to deal with it.
i cannot wait to be with you for two weeks, i can't wait too see you i just hope that other people don't ruin shit.
now that you are completely out of my life i am so happy, being around you in any sense just makes me discontent.
i hope that you will realize that how you were with me joking or not was way disrespectful and the moment you showed me that side of you was the moment you became dead to me.
i don't know why but a lot of the time i just can't stand you, and i wish it was different because you used to be the person i could always count on.