What do you think of everyone being obsessed with Pokemon these days?: like the 90s again..
Do you like (or have) stretched ears? (gauges): no
If you have to get up early in the morning, do you get energy drinks or coffee?: no
Do you like donuts?: i can
Have you ever seen how a pretzel is made?: no?
Would you play naked twister with a group of the opposite sex?: no
Do you watch Jersey Shore? If you do, what do you think of Angelina?: no
Do you watch that show called Skins? If you do, what's it even about? no
Do you find tramp stamps attractive?: eh
Would you ever want to be a professional body piercer?: no
Do you like watching stupid MTV "dating" shows like Next or Room Raiders?: no
Have you ever seen the Boondock Saints?: no
If there was no way anyone could find out would you murder someone for fun?: no way
Do you wear/buy Silly Bandz?: no
What's the worst smell you ever smelled?: puke, etc
Have you ever stolen money from your parents?: no
Do you like whales? What's your favourite kind?: eh
What are you going to buy your girlfriend for Christmas? I just assumed you were gay like other surveys assume you're straight. i'm straight
Have you ever seen Kick-Ass?: no
Are you glad Lil Wayne is out of jail?: whatever
01. Do you ever realize things about children movies when you watch them when you're older that you didn't realize when you were younger? What sorts of things? any movies i watched as a kid haha..it's like "wowww" :P
02. What is your favorite kind of fish to eat, and how do you like it? i don't eat fish
03. Have you ever used those pens or markers that make text raised? What about the scented ones? ..no? never heard of them. i have a scented pen but i don't think i wrote with it?
04. Don't you just love gel and glitter pens? gel type
05. What's your favorite brand of gum? Do you chew gum often? i hate gum
06. Which do you do more often - read the book before seeing the movie, or see the movie first? both
07. Do you have trouble telling people important things, or putting your words together to make them work? What are some alternative ways you tell people stuff like that? (For ex: writing a note, etc.) i can
08. Does your skin get really dry and flaky in the winter? ugh yes
09. Do you watch Saturday Night Live? If so, who was your favorite guest host ever? Favorite skit ever? no
10. What flavor was the last chapstick you used? unflavored
11. What kind of berry is your favorite? strawberry
12. Are you waiting for any new game releases? If so, which ones? no
13. Did you ever watch the TV show "Hamtaro" as a kid? no
14. When you get new pens, markers, etc., do you try them all out as soon as you get them? no
15. What is your favorite foreign cuisine? What is your favorite dish? italian (pasta), etc
16. If you had to be in a group with members of your sex or members of the opposite sex, which would you prefer? Why? my sex
17. At what age did you first get your eyebrows waxed or plucked, if ever? Or do you do it yourself? i don't remember how old i was
18. What are some catalogs or magazines you get in the mail? muse, etc
19. Do you ever feel like you make the most effort in relationships, or that the other person isn't even trying? Explain. sure
20. Do you own any Moleskine notebooks? If so, what do you use it for? no
21. Around this time last year, what were some music artists you had just started listening to or recently got into? uh
22. Do you have a favorite section of the supermarket, or a part of it that you spend the most time in purchasing things? i like the books of course haha
23. What was the last hygienic product you purchased? lotion
24. Have you ever heard of using honey for chapped lips? no
25. Do you think you'll be getting Black Ops any time soon? Do you even like/play COD? no
Did you get a good grade on the last test you took? umm
Have you ever gotten an X-ray? yeah
What are your favorite flowers? fireweed, etc
When was your last hair cut? a couple or so months ago?
Do you keep what people give you? not always
When you wake up in the morning, do you feel beautiful? not exactly
Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? yeah
What's the last thing you looked up in the dictionary? umm
Do you have a place where you go to rid your pain? sure
Do you ever listen to instrumental music? yeah
When was the last time you used glue? umm
Who did you last sit on? *shrugs*
Why were you last sad? family going home?
Have you ever been abused? taunted
If you were raped, would you tell anyone? yeah
Have you ever been threatened? yeah
What was the last scar you looked at from? accidentally getting burned?
What do you think about wind? cool (not nice when it's cold though haha)
Has there been anyone that you wanted to get to know but never did? yeah
What do people comment most about you? smile, etc
When's the last time you dyed your hair? 2007. i highlighted it last year though
Have you ever thrown rocks at someone's window to get their attention? no
Have you ever written a song? no
When was the last time you prayed? earlier
Do you tan easily? i can
Whose funeral did you last go to? grandpa's
Why did you last cry? i was upset
What's your favorite thing to drink? lemonade, etc
Do you like Mexican food? yeah
Ever been to a beach? yeah
Do you have a sweet tooth? sure
Last thing you downloaded onto your computer? songs
Do you take any medications? yeah
What's your favorite place to be? my apartment, etc
Last concert you attended? hammerfall
Did you play with building blocks as a child? yeah
What's your favorite place to order pizza from? eh
Climb a tree like a monkey? i did as a kid
Do you believe in evolution? to an extent
If you could live in any decade, which would it be? hm..
What's the last movie you watched? some of daddy day care
Have you ever moved? yeah
How many states/countries have you lived in? 3 states
Who did you last kiss? no one romantically
Public or home schools? public
Is high school really as great as people say it is? depends on your experience
Do you own any knee high socks? no
Are you a fan of rap music? no
Folk rock? eh
Do you like blueberry muffins? i can
Do you watch That 70's Show? no
Have you ever seen a rated R movie? yeah
What was the last song you sang out loud?: umm
When do you hide your emotions?: when i'm annoyed, etc
Which is scarier: dying of starvation or thirst?: both
When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to?: animal planet, etc
Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking?: not really
When you think of tomorrow, what thoughts come to mind?: work, etc
Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars?: *shrugs*
Do you still talk to your very first best friend?: rarely..i have her on facebook though
When was the last time something went terribly wrong?: hm..
How do you console someone when he/she is upset?: talk to them
Have you ever saw either one of your parents cry?: yeah
Choose one: trip to outer space or trip underneath the ocean?: under the ocean
How often do you feel overwhelmed?: *shrugs*
Do you have any secret obsessions or guilty pleasures?: sure
Aside from this survey, what else are you doing?: watching tv
Who in your family do you act like the most?: dad?
You're doing a mix tape, what songs do you put on it?: meh
Is there someone that makes you feel like you're walking on eggshells?: *shrugs*
Were you ever afraid of a teacher?: yeah
Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds?: no
Have you ever written anything in a bathroom stall? What, if anything?: no
A homeless man asks for 50 cents, how do you respond?: umm
When was the last time you visited a thrift store?: a few months ago
Was there ever a time you wished you were never born?: yeah
Can you handle constructive criticism?: kinda
Who is the most sensitive person that you know?: dana, etc
Have you ever had a tooth (or teeth) pulled?: yeah
When was the last time you wrote someone a note?: last month?
Which season do you dread the most?: winter
If someone makes fun of you, are you able to laugh it off?: yeah
What did you do last Halloween?: hung out at mom's house
Last Thanksgiving?: had a yummy dinner
Last Christmas?: opened presents, etc
How do you celebrate the arrival of a new year?: watch the ball drop, etc
Is there a foreign culture you'd like to learn more about?: *shrugs*
What traits do you require in a potential partner?: trust, etc
Are you a good judge of other people's intentions?: uhh
Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone?: friends, parents, alone..
When you don't know how to spell a word, do you look it up?: no..i just use the spellcheck
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a different race?: yeah
What is the hardest thing about being you?: being so different
At your favorite restaurant, what do you order?: depends
What was the last thing you wished for?: hm..
How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time?: a lot
Do you like your name?: *shrugs*
Can you multi-task?: yeah
Do you like anybody, at the moment?: sure
Do you know anyone named Raymond?: no
Have you ever set something on fire?: yeah
Are you a member of a fan club?: yeah
Can you sing in public?: i wouldn't really want to
Should gay couples be allowed to get married?: yeah
Do you make up funny lyrics for songs you don't like?: eh
Are you in a long term relationship?: no
Do you like to make people laugh?: sure
Do you prefer texting or calling?: depends
Do you turn off your computer when you’re not using it?: usually..i keep my laptop on when i'm at mom's house or something though
Do you get excited often?: sure
Would you ever go to Japan?: eh
What if a bear comes in the room where you are, right now?: i'd grab abby and get out
Do you try to hide your tears when you’re crying?: yeah
Have you ever used someone for something?: yeah?
Do you play the lottery?: no
Are condoms romantic?: no?
Do you drive?: no
Can you type without looking at the keyboard?: yeah
Drugs are good or bad?: bad
Which questions do you hate being asked?: annoying ones
Do you think you look better than your best friend?: we're both nice looking
How many flowers/plants have you killed in your life so far?: one died but i think it was the weather..
When was the last time you were really embarrassed?: yesterday
Ever laid in your bed and tried to dream about a thing you want to happen?: umm
Do you think red roses and chocolate are cliche?: sure
If you'd be robbing a bank, what kind of mask would you have?: i can't say that. ;) haha
Which is the first song you LOVED?: uh
Ever wanted to escape while you were having sex?: i'm a virgin
In the last letter you sent to someone, what did you write?: stuff
Do you think you'd be a good teacher in your favourite subject in school?: i hate public speaking..
If you'd be a football player, which number would you like to have on your back?: 16?
Ever realized someone's been flirting with you just when it's too late?: no?
What do you prefer, sugar or fat?: sugar?
What do you usually order when you're at McDonald's?: i don't go to mcdonald's
Ever been running barefoot in snow? How far was that?: yeah..not far
Your most overused comment when you're watching football?: i don't watch football
If you'd be a tool, what would you be?: uh
What's your high jump record?: i don't have one
Have you ever…
-Had to call 911?
-Watched an entire infomercial? (maybe?)
-Lost someone you love/loved?
-Dated someone for longer than one year?
-Skipped class to do something else?
-Done something to impress someone else?
-Been rejected harshly?
-Been out of the country?
-Asked someone out, and had that person say yes?
-Forgotten to call someone when you said you would?
-Taken a road trip with friends?
-Taken something or someone for granted?
-Told someone your true feelings for him/her?
-Been on an airplane?
-Slept through the entire day?
-Gone to the E.R. for an illness?
-Spent more than one night in a hospital?
-Spent the whole day online?
-Spread a rumor about someone else?
-Forgot an important school assignment on the day it was due?
-Read the Bible?
-Talked about religion with someone who believed differently?
-Thought about when the world would end?
-Contemplated hurting another person?
-Had a pet run away?
-Been reunited with a pet that ran away?
-Had a huge fight with someone you care/cared about?
-Broke up with someone over something silly?
-Asked what you felt was a stupid question?
-Caught snowflakes on your tongue?
-Been called spoiled?
-Felt true hatred towards another person?
-Stood up for an issue you believe/believed in?
-Done something dangerous just for the thrill?
-Killed ants with a magnifying glass?
-Littered when there was a trashcan nearby?
-Swallowed your gum?
-Had gum get stuck in your hair?
-Let down a friend or family member over something serious?
-Broken a bone?
-Been through surgery?
-Tripped in a public place?
-Been lost in an unfamiliar place?
-Driven without a license?
-Written a poem/song for someone else?
-Daydreamed about the future?
-Wished you could re-try something from the past?
-Regretted kissing someone?
-Been in a physical fight with someone?
-Brought something illegal to school?
-Drank until you passed out?
-Looked up at the sky to make shapes out of clouds?
-Looked through someone's personal belongings without permission?
-Stolen anything from someone?
-Been on a cruise?
-Told someone you loved them, but did not mean it?
-Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?
-Been cheated on?
-Went on a shopping spree?
-Cheated at a video game?
-Singed your hair with a lighter?
-Stayed up for more than two nights straight?
-Faked sick to get out of doing something you didn't want to do?
-Started any internet drama?
-Forgotten your profile password?
-Spilled extremely hot liquid upon yourself?
-Worn any clothing inside-out without noticing?
-Given or received a hickey?
-Lost your virginity?
-Wished you could regain your virginity?
-Done something other people are afraid to do?
-Given someone good advice, and they didn't take it?
-Built a snowman?
-Went sledding?
-Spent more than one night camping in the woods?
-Jumped on a trampoline?
-Tried any unusual food?
-Woken up screaming from a nightmare?
-Hidden your problems/fears/issues from other people?
-Told someone you were fine, when you really were not?
-Been told that you are attractive?
-Received a ticket for speeding?
-Counted to a number higher than 100?
-Thought about starting your own business?
-Wanted to be something more than what you are?
-Lied to your parents about who you were with/what you were doing?
-Dated someone without telling your parents?
-Wished you could spend a day in someone else's shoes?
-Sang for an audience? (in a choir..)
-Acted in a play? (in elementary school)
-Bought something, only to realize that you didn't really want it?
-Spent more than 100 dollars on one article of clothing?
-Wanted a piercing or tattoo?
-Been to court?
-Been arrested?
-Eaten an entire bag of chips in one sitting? (a small one)
-Had a movie marathon?
-Judged someone based on how they dressed/looked?
-Been kicked out of a store for bad behavior?
-Done something illegal, and been caught?
-Lied to someone about something serious? (umm..)
-Hurt yourself purposely in any way?
-Had a boyfriend or girlfriend ask to marry you?
-Stayed with someone, even though they treated you badly?
-Forgot a friend’s or parent's birthday?
-Laughed at an inappropriate time?
-Had a water balloon fight?
-Taken a walk in the rain?
-Walked home from school?
-Been on the city bus?
-Held a grudge against someone?
-Said you didn't care when you actually did?
-Burned yourself on a curling iron or straightener?
-Been swimming in the ocean?
-Fantasized about your wedding?
-Thought about what music would be played at your funeral?
-Wished that you could see into the future?
-Had your iPod or MP3 player run out of batteries at a bad time?
-Had your cell phone go off in school?
-Slipped in the shower or bath?
-Thrown something at someone with intent to hurt them?
-Been searched by airport security?
-Decorated a Christmas tree by yourself?
-Felt like no one understands you?
-Purchased something online?
-Watched anime/read manga?
-Wanted to play an instrument/played an instrument?
-Found disturbing sites on your computer's site-history?
-Used the internet to look up lewd pictures?
-Been obsessed with a celebrity?
-Played a prank on someone?
-Cooked a meal for your family?
-Said that you hate/hated your relatives?
-Had trouble deciding what you want to be when you grow up?
-Filled out more than 10 surveys in a day?
-Had to have teeth pulled by the dentist?
-Had braces or any other orthodontic work?
-Taken a photograph of yourself specifically for MySpace?
-Worn a hat on a bad hair day?
-Thrown a snowball at someone?
-Been at a party where you didn't know anyone?
-Swallowed swimming pool water?
-Felt like you were drowning?
-Had a near-death experience?
-Been in a car wreck?
-Downloaded music to your computer?
-Gave someone a hard time for liking a certain band?
-Refused to compromise with someone?
-Had a dream that felt incredibly real?