Thought Stirring Question: Public

Dec 28, 2010 00:21

Support networks are vital to the stability and progress of survivors. Knowing that someone is able to help, whether they're part of your mental/physical health team, your friends, or family, can make the long road of processing seem less grueling.

One of the big keys in utilizing a support network is knowing what each person who is a part of it is capable of. For example: your doctor is best at helping you maintain physical health, or knowing a friend is good at helping others find motivation. Knowing each person's strengths, and how they can help you can reduce a lot of the frustration of asking for help. If you know who to ask for what, it's easier to get what you need, and you also know that you're leaning on those most capable of helping.

A suggested activity: write down the name of anyone who you view as being part of your support network. Next to their name, write down the type of support they're best at giving, and write the support they're least likely to give. It's okay if some members of your support group are only there because they can be silly with you! Any aspect of support is important to list.

This week's questions are:

- How does your support network help you?

- What type of support do you most often need or want?

- What type of support do you least need or want?

If you do the activity: Which members of your support network can you call on to provide the support you need most often?

support network, thought stirring post

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