oo jk..i just read the other comments..scott is ur ex. i lik a guy named scott. lol. well sry about those ppl writin mean stuf about u. thats gay and they need to stop. ppl kept doin that to me one time and it was retarded.
so whoever is writing that..its just a phrase..get over it. u need to get over urself. anna only wrote that b/c it reminded her of her ex. i think u r jealous that anna has the coolest bf ever! nick is lik my best friend and i kno anna liks him. so just chilax. if u cant say anything nice..dont say it at all. chill out.
i did not make this entry about scott because i have a bf and he is nick and i love him and plus the only reson i made the entry is because i was looking at my lj stuff and i found this phrase and guess what this phrase ( i laugh more than i cry,you piss me off goodbye) came with the layout as like a title and who ever u r stop cause i don't like u even if u r one of my friends ur just doin this cause ur JEALOUS i rest my case lol p.s. i am domn to reality ur cause all u do is leave mean cmmtz to ppl :) nanananananah
belive me ur not down to earth ur sooooooooo stuck up its nt even funny and who would be jeaulouse of u if they were they would have 2 be crazy!!!!!!!!! u r just a b*TCH
excuse you u little whore ur just a Ass (and im sorry to every1 who hasd to read this but i have got to take action)Stop puttin mean cmmtz on my journal cause im not the bitch ur thr bitch and and guess what loser a jealouse person would say their not jealous so u are jealouse you just need to get over me ..... cause im better than u haahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahhahhahhahahahhahahha guess what........ AURE AN IDIOT TREE hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry every1 ecept mean cmmter *anna*
Comments 29
so whoever is writing that..its just a phrase..get over it. u need to get over urself. anna only wrote that b/c it reminded her of her ex. i think u r jealous that anna has the coolest bf ever! nick is lik my best friend and i kno anna liks him. so just chilax. if u cant say anything nice..dont say it at all. chill out.
miss u girlie!
Repost this in 2 min 14 sec or less,
&& tomorrow will be the best day of your life!
But, if you wait too long,
Then tomorrow will be the worst day of your life!
Repost as "i modeled for ________"
Payless - Can't even afford a relationship.
Hollister - You're in a relationship & love it :]
Aeropostale - You like someone and they dont know it.
Abercrombie - you like someone and they know it.
Macy's - You like someone that doesn't like you back.
Victoria Secret - You are single and whatever happens, happens.
Hot Topic - Nothing is going your way these days and you're about to give up on love all together
Toys R US - you like someone in a higher grade
American Eagle - you like someone and they like you back but arent going out
Walmart - you like someone but the fact that you're a ninja would get in the way
i rest my case
p.s. i am domn to reality ur cause all u do is leave mean cmmtz to ppl :)
guess what........ AURE AN IDIOT TREE hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
sorry every1 ecept mean cmmter
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