s0o b0red!

Apr 21, 2005 02:54

Red: In the last 24 hours have you...
Cried? yes
Hugged someone? no

Kissed someone?no
Lied? yes
Snuck out of your house? no
Laughed really hard? uhm no

Gotten sick? yeah...ii swallowed the ball to my tongue ring haha

Hung out with a friend? n0pe =[

Got your feelings hurt? n0pe

Been lied to? ii d0nt think so...
Orange: What Would You Do..
If you saw someone shoplift? laugh

If a loved one died? ii`d cry 4ever!

If a friend lied to you? had that happened and that bitch better beware! lolol

If your GF // BF were cheating on you? ch0p his dick off...duh

If something really embarrasing happened to you? laugh it off

If someone isulted you: fuck them up

If you found out a teacher at your school was a drug dealer: buy s0mething...sike...ii wuldnt care

If you found out someone in your family was stealing stuff from someone else in your family? ii`d keep my mouth shut

If you found out your Dad was on Viagra? ii wuldnt be suprised lmao my family and ii are open w/ eahcother tho so hez n0t

If something really bad happened to sliced your finger off or something else? ii`d run away c0z ii`d be ugly!!  lmao sike idk

Yellow: Your Emotions..
Do you tend to cry a lot? not anym0re...the zoloft makes me have n0 crying emotions...it makes me mad llool

Are you really emotional? ii d0nn0 ii guess n0t

Do you get really bad mood swings? n0pe ii`m a natural bitch

Do you tend to get annoyed easily? hell yes

What annoys you the most? pen clicking and wisseling

Do your feelings get hurt easily? n0pe c0z bitches n0e they'll get fucked ^

If another person said something mean about you, would it matter to you what they said? n0pe c0z they'll jus get slapped

Does it bother you if people talk shit on you? nahh they jus love my name

Does food change how you feel? yeah!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever cut // done drugs to feel better? hhmm =]

Green: Your Apperance..
Are you tall or short? tall?

What color hair do you have? light brown

Do // have you dyed your hair? yes

What color eyes do you have? dependz

Do you have glasses // contacts? yeah

Do you want color contacts? g0t em

Do you think your attractive? n0pe

Do other people think your attractive? uhm idk

If your a girl do you wear make up? // eyeliner

If your a guy, does it bother you when girls pile on make up?

What color looks best on you? tan

Blue: Your Social Life..
What group are you in at school? ii`m with every0ne...

How did you get into that clique? ii`m a l0ud bitch dat every0ne jus has to l0ve lolol

Is there a group you wish you were in? n0pe

Is there a clique your clique hates? uhm n0?

What do you normally do on the weekends? m0viez mall chyll idk

What do you normally do on school nights? sleep...h0mew0rk can wait

Do you go on single dates // group dates? gr0up ii guess

What would you do for a first date? ii d0nn0!

Do you go to parties? duh

What is your "Label"? uhm idk

Purple: You Wish..
If you had three wish's what would they be? ii`d wish their was a cure for everything, my family was really rich, and that there wasnt any w0rld hungry =[

Why would they be your wishes? because ii d0nt want people to suffer and ii d0nt want to suffer

If you could give your best friend anything, what would it be? a car! lol!

Why would you give them that? becuz c0urtney shuld have a car! lol

What is your "Dream House"? a beach h0use white with red shutters, do0r, and shit

What is your "Dream Car"? 2oo5 mazda Rx8

What is your "Dream Life"? actress/singer/model or chef

What charateristics would your Perfect GF\wife // BF\Husband be like? unabusive and i`ll be happy =]

What would they look like? hottie

Where would you live? hawaii

Pink: Love
What characteristics do you look for in a GF // BF? funny sweet sekzii has time

Apperance wise, what are you attracted to? ii`m a sucker for dem white b0yz! lol

How long was your longest relationship? like on and off for a year

Who was it with? Armando one year and John one year

Why do you think it lasted that long? ii d0nn0 it seemz like 4ever tho

Why did you guys break up? [[if you didnt break up skip this question!]] they both drove me mad haha

Who was your favorite GF // BF? Why were they your favorite? uuhhmm Alex becuz we chylled alot

Whats the nicest thing the opposite sex has done // said to you? s0me0ne t0ok sweet ass pictures of himself holding up ii love u krystal papers and all this sweet stuff u n0e lol
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