Nov 26, 2004 22:15

well, i'm sitting at my godparent's house now, and Howie was gracious enough to let me use his internet connection (aww what a great guy! ^_^) so, yeah, nows my chance to put all of the pictures i've taken over the past 3 days on here. heh. i absolutely love that camera.
anyway, here ya go

me just being lame. these were made before i left to come over they're like an hour old. plus, they're me with no glasses! *gasp*

i was suppose to be getting ready, but i decided to play around

me and my granny, and me and my poppy

well, i checked my grades online, and it appears that the only class i passed was Intro to Bread, Rolls, & Laminated Doughs. yep. oh, and i'm on academic probation. haha yeah. i suck. that frustrates me so bad...i thought i did so well in math, but i don't have any credit for that class, so i'm assuming i failed it. eh. Johnson & Wales SUCKS.

oh, and if you wanna see what i made for Jo click here.

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