I think everything went wrong today. This morning was fucking awesome. I'm fucking grounded, & no phone. I have about 5634875638754634 projects. The only thing I'm going to is the game. & I can never explain how hard that will be. I hate being a fucking teenager.
People are so unpredictable. Just when you think you know someone, They go & do something like this. Whatever, hopefully this will work out. I hate always feeling the same about someone. ¬ knowing how they feel. BLAH, I'm done with stupid livejournal.
It was kind of weird. I still don't know if it was good. I know is that it's not what I wanted. Nothing I wanted to happen did. But PCC, nevertheless, was amazing. I don't fucking want to go to school. I don't know, I feel so unaccomplished.
You know what really annoys me? When people act totally alright. Then they update stupid livejournal. & spill their hearts out to it. AND When my camera breaks.
PCC is almost over. I still don't know what I think of this year. I think I compared to last year a lot. Nothing from last year will be the same. Thanks.