gets posted on lj?
this is my VERY belated second zoo trip update. I went on the 19th of November and it is now a few days into December. I am not timely at all. I really shouldn't be doing this either since we all know I'm just procrastinating...but oh wells.
this is in no particular order or style. just my style yo.
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this is Jaclyn. Jaclyn enjoys making the same face in all her pictures and being bright from time to time.
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this is Fannie. Fannie enjoys pig sex. well...not sex with pigs but mild pig-on-pig action as can be seen in this picture.
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this is me. me enjoys ugly sweaters and pictures where other people pop in unexpectedly. but you already knew that.
we are the three key players of the zoo day. we might have ditched the rest of our group within the first five minutes but that depends on who you ask.
the three of us took a lot of pictures and rather than try to put them in any sort of order I'm just gonna put them all out there and let you figure it out:
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toward the end of the day at the sea lion show. I am pouting because Jaclyn said my smile was ugly. Fannie is making a "normal" face. Jaclyn is...being Jaclyn.
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here we are all imitating various animals. Fannie is pretending to be Rarity the (mass produced) Unicorn, I am being Majestic the African Elephant and not the rubs-butt-against-things Asian one, and Jaclyn is either trying to be Vulnarity the Giraffe (since giraffes are only vulnerable in the wild...not rare) or some sort of large toothed thing.
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we're just making weird faces. except for Jaclyn since she never plays along. hahaha.
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THE SUNBEAR! I love that bear. he's in the background. we are in the foreground. all those photography classes are finally paying off!
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I think Fannie was making fun of the hippo behind us but she ended up looking kinda of crippled and mentally ill. meanwhile, I sip adorably.
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Jaclyn was taking a bad picture of a polar bear's butt. Fannie and I decided to be helpful and put our butts in the shot too. we're always thinking of others.
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Jaclyn probably told us to look happy. we don't like her very much so we do opposite things...just kidding. about the liking...not the opposite thing...
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Fannie and I like feeding fake biscuits (funny word) to fake giraffes (not funny word)
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I look like an Asian tourist (note camera) and Fannie is an authentic Asian! what a pair we make!
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Fannie and I wearing masks. I still thinking having a mask of an animal they do not feature is wrong.
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I, like the hippo, occasionally come up for air.
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this is the whole gang in various animal masks at the end of our visit. see! we didn't ditch them! photographic evidence!!!
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this is the three of us sitting on a hippo (aka slimy turd) and looking at stuff with a little boy. the little boy belongs to the man taking our picture and just randomly joined our picture without an invitation. it's okay though because he was really cute. I especially liked his Spiderman hat and Thomas the Tank Engine shirt. plus after his dad took each picture he'd shout "CHEESE!" and before we left he told us "it feels cold on my legs!" in reference to the hippo.
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since I know you wanted a closeup of his face...
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I'm imitating the ugly moon...I don't just make hideous faces at random passers-by.
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Jacs and I with a giraffe. I love giraffes. Jacs is tall like giraffes. by the transitive property I love Jacs.
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Fannie must love Jacs too.
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this is my nectar face. or...collecting nectar face. I AM A HUMMINGBIRD!!!
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are they imitating the sun or is it imitating them?
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further proof that Jaclyn always makes the same face while Fannie is diverse. and also hot.
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I swear Jaclyn cannot hold a pose to save her life. I tell her to interact with the dragon and she does for about 1 second and then ends up looking something like this.
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meanwhile, Fannie has an attention span that allows her to remain immobile for more than a few brief moments. (can you spot the water buffalo?)
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this is a zebra.
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this is a tiger. the tiger was only awake because zookeepers were waving fresh flesh at it. wow. say fresh flesh five times fast. bet you can't!
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this is that kickass sunbear again. you go sunbear. you go...sit in your tree some more...
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this is a baby monkey pushing an adult monkey. it reminds me of my relationship with my father...only he would be the baby and I would be the adult.
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I took about 20 pictures of the polar bears. this is the best one. it does not compliment my skills as a photographer very well. it was fun taking them though...I stood as far away from the glass as I could so everyone walking past me for the next 5 minutes had to duck. probably why I ended up 20 crappy polar bear pictures and sore abs. (from laughing...I wasn't doing crunches at the time. duh!)
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this is a peacock that was just walking around the zoo with us. well...not so much with us as about us. it reminded me of the song I made up to the tune of Messiah. Brian (my brother) could sing it for you. I'm quite the composer.
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fighting meerkats. they're cute.
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AWAKE LION! IT IS A MIRACLE!!! it was still hiding in its stupid den though...if I had good aim I would have thrown Fannie at it to tempt it out.
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a sleeping smelly koala. they're supposed to be cute or something.
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hippo on ball. he's got an important business proposition but his alarm didn't go off. guess he's not getting that promotion. GET ON THE BALL! I have no idea where I was going with that one...
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giraffes. still among a poo battlefield.
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Majesty. or Majestic. it doesn't really matter. African elephants do not scratch their butts on rocks when you try to take pictures of them like that lame Asian elephant.
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brown bear butt.
let's hope I remember most of these.
so I can start by listing all the animals that got sexually active when Fannie got close enough to them. the boars (I got photographic evidence of that one), a rhino, and also potentially an orangutan that may not have been sexually active but certainly climbed up to face level and spread his legs with impressive force and stood there barring his teeth at us for quite some time.
there was also a lady who was walking up and down the catwalk saying (in a western accent) "WHERE MY PANDAS AT?! I BEEN WALKING UP AND DOWN HERE AND ALL I SEES IS THEM PIGGIES!!!" I made fun of her before she was out of earshot. she heard me. I got the stinkeye.
Jaclyn and I were still naming all the animals in the zoo (like Bob the Bearcat) and had gotten to Fannie the Squirrel when some lady comes up and goes, "psh. it's just a squirrel". I did not like her tone so (more to myself than her) I go, "JUST a SQUIRREL?!" before she was out of earshot. I'm pretty sure she heard me. if I had been looking I probably would have gotten the stinkeye.
Fannie and I spent the majority of our lunchtime trying to fit buckets on our heads. just another stunning example of how intelligent we are. p.s. the buckets never fit.
when we were at the panda exhibit Jaclyn insisted on taking awful pictures of sleeping animals and I told her "that has got to be the worst picture I've ever seen" (in a sweet and loving way of course) and some random man tells us "you just gotta use your imagination!" all of a sudden the panda butt I had previously been staring at looked like a giant hot fudge sundae surrounded by attractive males.
but seriously it still looked like panda butt.
and uh...that's all I can remember. it was good times and like most of the good times I have here I can never remember what the good times were and even if I can they're never as funny in word form. I need to be better at telling stories I guess.
I still need to talk more about that thursday too...but uh...I don't feel like it right now. I can sum it up in the following sentence: "Patrick Hudson is still the love of my life even if I die in dangerous fog clouds of doom on the way home." that didn't make much sense. schwhatever! I miss old window lady. her replacement sucks!
if none of this made sense I apologize but really you should know me better by now.