(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 00:19

Ring - Her voice rings with authority and the promise of dire consequences if her orders are not carried out in a timely fashion; he scurries to do her bidding like all her other dutiful minions.

Hero - He hates being called a hero; Susan tells him it’s better than being called a traitor and a rogue and to quit complaining before she gives him something to truly complain about.

Memory - She remembers the words he spoke to her that day on the White Star and blushes when she finally has time to translate the so-called greeting into English.

Box - Susan keeps her emotions locked tight, threw the key away long ago, vowing never to let herself be hurt again.

Run - Susan is scared of feeling again and so she runs, but he follows, would follow her to the Rim and beyond, and suddenly, Susan isn’t scared anymore.

Hurricane - “Looks like a hurricane passed through here,” Susan comments upon seeing Marcus’ quarters for the first time.

Wings - Laughing, Susan throws herself at Marcus and he twirls her around and when they kiss, it feels like she’s flying.

Cold - Minbar is colder than she’s used to, colder than she remembers, she thinks, pulling Marcus’ old cloak tighter around her shoulders in the pre-dawn.

Red - Susan falters upon entering Medlab, seeing so much blood, knowing that most, if not all, of it belongs to Marcus and that he’s damned lucky to be alive and if he ever scares her like this again, she’ll kill him herself.

Drink - Susan likes her vodka, maybe a little too much sometimes, but Marcus can’t abide the stuff and so Susan starts keeping a bottle whiskey in her quarters for when he comes over to share a drink.

Midnight - After John’s death, the wolf starts coming earlier and earlier, until one night Susan finds herself at Marcus’ door at midnight, hoping the wolf wouldn’t think to look for her there.

Temptation - After months of temptation, Marcus finally snaps and stops Susan’s verbal tirade towards him with his mouth against hers.

View - The only time Susan truly enjoys the view from C&C is when Marcus is with her and she can see his reflection on the window next to hers.

Music - “Oh no you don’t,” Susan says when Marcus offers to put some music on; obviously Stephen had warned her of his taste in music.

Silk - The first time Marcus sees Susan in her nightgown and robe, he can’t help but think that silk is the last thing he expected a practical woman like Susan to wear to bed.

Cover - “I’ll make your excuses,” John tells her when she lets him know that she can’t go to the memorial for Marcus; it hurts too much and she isn’t ready to face the fact that, yes, he is dead and no, he’s not going to come back.

Promise - She promises herself that she won’t let his sacrifice be in vain and tries to live her life as best she can, but his memory haunts her every action and she’s afraid that she’s failed.

Dream - He dreams that she doesn’t push him away, that she accepts his friendship, his affection, and when he wakes, it is with a smile on his face and a determination to make his dream a reality.

Candle - Despite her innate cynicism, Marcus has come to realize that Susan is his light in the darkness and that he would be lost without her.

Talent - Marcus has the singular talent of being able to annoy Susan in one breath and make her smile in the next, and sometimes, Susan doesn’t know what she’d do without that.

Silence - Susan appreciates the moments when Marcus is silent and they can just exist and not have to worry about the fate of the galaxy for one precious minute.

Journey - When they both survive the journey to hell and back, Marcus knows they are living on borrowed time and that their luck is bound to fail sooner or later; he just hopes it’s later.

Fire - There is fire in her gaze every time she looks his way and, maybe, just maybe, some affection there, too.

Strength - News of John’s death and the destruction on Z’ha’dum finally reach Babylon 5, and Susan lets Marcus hold her while she cries, for once in her life letting someone else be strong for her.

Mask - Susan finds her mask of indifference slipping the more time she spends around Ranger Cole, but she also finds that she doesn’t mind all that much.

Ice - People say she’s the ice queen, never feeling, but Marcus knows that everyone else is wrong: Susan feels, more strongly than most, and she hides because she’s afraid of being hurt.

Fall - Marcus isn’t sure when he fell for the commander, all he knows is that it’s over and done with and he can’t imagine his life without her.

Forgotten - History often forgets those who don’t make it to the end of a war, but Susan swears that she won’t let history forget Marcus Cole.

Dance - They win the war, the Shadows and Vorlons both gone, and everyone celebrates, even the cynical commander and the annoying Ranger, who share an impromptu victory dance on the command deck of a White Star.

Body - His body is still warm when they take him away, and Susan thinks it’s all just a dream, this can’t be happening, it can’t be, because she never gave him permission to die like this.

Sacred - Valen is sacred to him and Jeff is a friend to her, and they both agree that, whoever he is, was, will be, they aren’t going to argue about it.

Farewells - Susan never got to say goodbye and it takes her years to forgive Marcus for taking away her opportunity to do so.

World - They saved the world, the galaxy, but Marcus is gone, and Susan’s world is darker because of his loss.

Formal - He is the least formal, the least disciplined person she has ever met, so different from everyone else in her life; she can’t help but find him intriguing.

Fever - Marcus fairly hauls Susan from C&C and back to her quarters, threatening to be her personal nurse unless she promises to take care of herself better from now on.

Laugh - “You have a beautiful laugh,” he tells her one day after his joke about a rabbi, a priest and a lawyer has her in stitches for a good two minutes.

Lies - “You’ll be fine,” he tells her, but they both know it’s a lie, and neither of them have the heart to deny it.

Forever - Marcus doesn’t believe in forever, but if he did, he thinks that he would like to spend his forever with Susan Ivanova.

Overwhelmed - Susan thinks that maybe, just maybe, she might be attracted to Marcus Cole, and it scares the hell out of her.

Whisper - “I love you,” he whispers, and she thinks it is God’s voice she hears, not knowing that Marcus has saved her life by giving up his own and that these are the last words he will ever speak.

Wait - He tells her that he’s waiting for the right woman; part of Susan thinks it’s sad while the other part thinks it’s incredibly romantic, and so very Marcus.

Talk - “We’ve never just sat and talked,” Susan says, her cheeks slightly pink, explaining to Marcus her reasoning for inviting him in.

Search - “I should go, before John sends a search party out after me,” Susan tells him, wanting nothing less in that moment than to leave Marcus’ company.

Hope - “I think we might just win this war,” she tells him one late night in the war room, fighting to keep the hopeful tone out of her voice, but failing miserably.

Eclipse - Marcus watches as Susan’s hard work and dedication is eclipsed by Sheridan’s rising star and he wishes that more people would realize that Sheridan is nothing without his second.

Gravity - Stephen comments that it looks like Marcus is floating on cloud nine; Marcus just smiles and continues on, thinking of Susan all the while.

Highway - It’s always tricky navigating the Zocolo, but Susan finds it harder than usual today, mainly because she’s trying to lose that annoying Ranger in the crowd, and just when she thinks she’s succeeded, she feels a tap on her shoulder and hears a cheerful, “Good morning, Commander!”

Unknown - Neither of them knows where this is going, or if they’ll even still be alive tomorrow to find out; all Marcus and Susan know is that they’re not willing to give up on whatever it is they have together.

Lock - Somehow, somewhere, Marcus had found the long lost key to Susan’s heart, and Susan finds that she doesn’t care in the least when he uses it to unlock her heart.

Breathe - Every breath she takes is thanks to him, and not a day goes by that she doesn’t wish that he is the one still breathing, not her.

1sentence, susan ivanova/marcus cole, fic, babylon 5

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