
Aug 02, 2005 00:39

I decided my new goal in life is to become a professional senior picture photographer. Estevan was my first client. You all can see his photoshoot here on livejournal. It's packed with personality and props!! (I'm a badass when it comes to advertisement).
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Comments 20

_oneohseven August 2 2005, 05:48:12 UTC
i am really impressed and i would like to make an appointment.

... )


_tangledheart August 2 2005, 05:50:42 UTC
Okay we'll make an appointment. I'm free... whenever. Just call me :)


roughdraft422 August 2 2005, 05:55:09 UTC
LMFAO!!! That made me pee my pants from laughter!


_tangledheart August 5 2005, 06:07:34 UTC
you're eating spaghetti-o's and i love you. and them


hazygray August 9 2005, 05:26:42 UTC
hey, why does that food always have to be brought up?


butchersknife August 2 2005, 08:31:06 UTC
if you ever need a make up artist...you know who to call.

hellll yes.


_tangledheart August 4 2005, 20:20:31 UTC
thanks :) it's good to know i'll have some backup staff.

ps your icon scares me.


_clumsy August 2 2005, 11:23:12 UTC
Estevan looks kinda like me. I feel like you're replacing me with another David. That cuts me real deep kristin.



_tangledheart August 4 2005, 20:21:22 UTC
no no no david. he's the only estevan in my life. you're the only david in my life. you're two separate people to me.

when are we gonna hang out?!


whats_er_name August 2 2005, 14:47:00 UTC
I think you've found your calling in life, hon!

How do you feel about branching out into the wide world of wedding photography?


_tangledheart August 4 2005, 20:21:52 UTC
i can cover your wedding. you're luck you and steve are stud muffins. if you weren't, i wouldn't do it. <3


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