50 things that i hate or that piss me off
1. people that call other people sluts when they've never had sex before nor strip, nor makeout with every guy they see.
2. people who have glasses and STILL squint
3. extremely pale people
4. when ugly people make sn's that say like so0o0osSseXxYyy when there the ugliest things on the face of the earth. its fine if your pretty though.
5. boys, only at times though.
6. people who look at my journal and then go not uh i never looked at your journal what the heck are you talking about omg no i didn't!!! even when there screenname comes up right where it shows the people who looked at your journal. its not a sin just cause you looked at it, my god.
7. my mother. wowwww she SHOULD be #1.
8. when wolfe isn't online
9. flat people that sing the song 'milkshake'
10. people who comment on my clothing and then go out and buy it the next week. ya um, die.
11. people that steal my stuff
12. extremely rich people who think their on top of the world
13. seagulls. ya i hope they become extinct which i doubt they will for the fact that there's millions down the shore and a mafia of them attack me and rachael and our fries on the boardwalk.
14. my little cousin danielle, shes really weird.. but at times she can be cool
15. parents
16. when guys leave the toilet seat up
17. poeple who come to you with their stupid problems like their cat has a fungus on its foot and expect you to care
18. when hott guys come to your house and ask if you want TUTORING and not sex. haha jp =]
19. green chips
20. high prices at abercrombie and bebe
21. ice skating. its like a form of suicide for me
22. feet
23. annoying girls
24. school
25. when people you've never seen in your life come up to you and say 'hey, whatsup!!!!' and think there hilarious and cool pretending like they know you and wanna talk to you, even though i do that to people sometimes ... =]
26. when guys ask you how far you've been as if its their business.
27. guys that use you
28. players
29. people that cut in front of you in line
30. people who dont respond til like 15 minutes later and you've already x'd out on the box and they except you to remember you're entire conversation together.
31. when people say 'o'
32. when people say 'whatever'
33. spinach and peas.
34. extremely geeky people
35. that 'lets get retarded' song.
36. people who have dumb icons that say 'paris says THATS HOTT' =]
37. when the clothes i order online are backordered
38. BUGS. especially mesquitoes, they can just... die. along with spiders, flies, gnats, and bees.
39. when people call me homie/homes.
40. burnt pizza
41. them cell phone commercials when people are talking to each other and singing while they have a conversations.
42. racist/sexist people
43. green applesauce
44. yellow jello even though it sounds cool
45. old people driving, WOW i wanna run them over so badly.
46. food shopping with my mother
47. showering at other peoples houses, unless your a hott guy and you join me. wow i have sucha sense of humor, which leads to my next complaint
48. people with NO sense of humor
49. people who talk to me in foreign languages and expect me to understand
50. whole wheat bread
agentcouture: tomorrow grams is coming over for lunch. my mom bought whole wheat bread
... and i have one more ... just for wolfe. 51. watery ketchup