The New Baby

Mar 15, 2004 15:23

The first picture on the top row is from the 4th month ultrasound and the rest are all from the 5th almost 6th month, which was done today.

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Comments 17

erotophilia March 15 2004, 12:25:29 UTC
Yours? Whoa, I'm lost I think


lykable March 15 2004, 12:27:14 UTC
That's exactly what I'm wondering..


lvlurderdoll March 15 2004, 12:31:26 UTC
me too..


_textlies March 15 2004, 12:33:50 UTC
haha no it's not mine.


fragil March 15 2004, 12:50:50 UTC
Eeek! You're pregnant, like omg!


yeah i so can't even tell what's what on that ultrasound, thanks for the hints


_textlies March 15 2004, 12:56:44 UTC
haha i wouldn't have known either, the doctors put that stuff on there.


nancie March 15 2004, 12:53:43 UTC
my friend Leslie is also pregnant.


brokenchild4evr March 15 2004, 13:48:30 UTC
woah you almost gave me a heart attack lol


wh0reible March 15 2004, 15:40:02 UTC
AWWWW A BOY! Seeing David a...daddy is kinda...weird ;x Misty a motherly type person? :o..


_textlies March 15 2004, 15:51:30 UTC
haha it's not david's baby. it's my older brother josh's baby. and he is the daddy of joshua too which him and misty had a long time ago lol. click there names to see the photos of them. i don't have a good one of misty i'll scan one later or tomorrow and show you.


wh0reible March 15 2004, 18:31:40 UTC
OOHH!!!!!111 That explains a lot, I always thought it was David's, wtf ;x...The links won't work for me ;[. says page can't be displayed, but yeh... that's cool..Congrats on her being preg :]


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