I've been remiss in keeping this thing up to date lately, but I think it's only fair to report the following:
I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And I liked it.
Keep in mind that, since GoF is far and away my favorite of all the HP books, I was prepared to hate this movie with all my heart and soul. I was convinced that they would butcher it. And in all fairness, it wasn't flawless. I was uncomfortable with the pacing, especially towards the end, and the script had a few weak points. But overall, I was impressed that Newell and Co. pulled off this tremendous task without making a mess of it. Clearly, we're dealing with a master.
I'll hold off on writing out a coherent review until Viewing #2, but my initial response is that Mike Newell must have one hell of a sense of humor. I was cracking up for much of it, and I tip my hat to the writers and him for earning that PG13 rating. Myrtle cozying up to Harry in the bathtub was priceless--can Harry pull of a sexual harassment law suit against a ghost? Hmm...
Seriously, I recommend that EVERYONE (Potter purists like myself included) give GoF a chance. It's visually stunning, the acting is much stronger than in any of the previous films, and Ralph Fiennes is nothing short of genius. Oh, and my delusional little Harry/Hermione shipper heart is singing with joy. Kiss on the forehead, say whaaaaaaaaat?