As I contemplate my new layout as well as the rest of life's mysteries, I have come to the conclusion that I am finally prepared to vent my severe displeasure with Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. So now I bring you the first of what's sure to be several installments of....
Rhea's HBP Smackdown )
Comments 6
HBP!Harry is shockingly devoid of this humanity.
Oh yeah. And the way he got over Sirius, just like that? ... Inconsistent, I tell you.
Looking forward to the next rant. :) Putting this in my memories, by the way.
And thanks, you're making me blush. =)
Keep bringing on these critiques. I can't wait to read what you have to say about Hermione next.
Eh, I sorta made my brain forget HBP. I mean, H/G? Wha? Wha?
It dulls the pain. But besides that, effin' ditto.
Your icon = hilarity. =)
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