Creepy man-children

Aug 27, 2006 21:04

Remember way back in 2003, when people were all about the Peter/Wendy LJ icons and such? Well, I finally saw the movie on DVD.

I liked it. I really, really liked it. Sure, the girl who played Wendy was kind of busted (from certain angles). But I thought it was a fun, cute film and I really enjoyed it. I also appreciated the fact that they didn't cast some weird man-child as Peter Pan; I think the whole androgynous portrayal of the character could potentially confuse the shit out of some kids.

What else to report? Well, my first day of classes is on Wednesday. Seventeen credits again, ahoy. I worked at 6 a.m. until 2 today (after working from 3:30 to midnight last night) and I think I'm delirious from lack of sleep.

EDIT: Okay, I've been holding this in for way too long. I enjoy James Bond films as much as the next person, but let's all face the facts: JAMES BOND IS AN ASS. If I ever met a guy like him, I would NOT HIT THAT. Yes, he is debonair and charming. He is also a womanizing, superficial JERK, and I DO NOT FIND THAT ATTRACTIVE. Plus, he's not particularly funny and I think we all know that most girls go for funny guys (actually, that's probably a blatant lie but I certainly go for funny guys so we'll keep the blanket statement.) Bottom line: EFF YOU, JAMES.
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