Fireflies suspended in space.

Jul 13, 2006 18:44

There is this woman whom I call "The Umbrella Lady" - she's never without. I saw her go into a Polish restaurant this morning around the street...I guess that's where she's walking to every time I see her. It must be nice to have "a spot" where you go to and everyone knows you.

I finally bought a new phone because my old one had no service ANYWHERE. Not even when I had like 5 bars. The new one has a camera phone, which I was always against..but now I kind of like.

1 or 2 AM bed times for no reason these past two nights..I'm exhausted. I try to keep busy at work but that gets trying after 7 or so hours.

My brother left for the Air Force on Monday. He's in Texas now at boot camp..seeing him go was beyond surreal. He's only 18 and he has the next 6 years of his life all set up for him. He wants to be a pharmacist, he wants to live in Japan. He really needs that direction, though otherwise he would stay in Naugatuck eternally. Naugatrash. He almost didn't graduate high school but he's still better than all of the kids around there. Alwayys leave. Please leave. Find out what else is out there. You owe it to yourself.

My parents were really broken up over Jeff leaving, especially my Dad. He doesn't know what it's like to not feel needed up until this point. Both of my parents care so much..I always thought too much. But now I just know that we're lucky.

We all went tubing together last Saturday in Farmington and I flipped over in the rapids and lost my sunglasses and laughed with my brother because my mom though WWII stood for either wrestling or the World Series. It felt like we had spent a day at the beach even though we really spent it in urine and bacteria infested waters, but it was that good, lazy feeling - so none of us cared.

On Monday Adam and I walked for eons for ice cream. On Tuesday Kellie and I shopped up a storm. Later on, the two of us met Matt for Open Mic night at The Space. I reallyyy despise when "New York" people act out their "New Yorkness" for us "commonfolk". Ok, hun. You're from Enfield. HA. As if I should talk!

I saw The Devil Wears Prada and it made me feel reallyyy lame in the fashion department. I itch to reinvent my wardrobe every now and then so perhaps it is time once again.

Oh! And I finallyyy got a scanner so hoorah for the pleasure of Polaroids (& Co.)!

Yes, m'aam

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