What do you live for?
The First Evil does not live, so much as it exists. I have always existed, and will exist forever and always. I could not cease to exist even if I wanted too. But what do I live for is the question. And that answer is quite, simple. I live for evil. I exist because evil is a necessary part of life. I'm the juxtaposition to goodness. The evil yin to good's yang. Life without evil, would be boring and completely meaningless. So I exist to give human beings something to believe in, or to oppose.
So I do not live for fame, or glory. I do not live for success or acceptance. I do not live for peace and happiness. And I most certainly don't live for family or friends. I have none, and do want any. Family and friends are more trouble that they are worth. They take, and take, and give back very little. And intentional or not, always end up hurting you over and over. Because humans can't help but to hurt each other.
Oh, and I also live to annoy people. It makes my existence more tolerable, to make everyone else's existence a little less so.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic # 206
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 222