"Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?" Marcel Marceau.
No. Nada. Not so much. Course I got a big mouth, and can never shut the hell up. So it might just be me. Plus I'm evil. So really don't give a crap about moving moments of mere mortals stupid little lives. Don't get me wrong. There have been very moving moments that I've experienced through others. Oh, like the time when Buffy Summers had to gut her beloved Angel to close a portal to hell. Sacrifice her love, to keep the planet from becoming a literal hell on Earth. Both of them was definitely speechless as he got sucked into hell. Nobody still believes that I brought the big loser back. Anyway, whatever.
Now that I think about it. The time poor Buffy jumped off the tower built by crazy people. After she said her goodbye's to Dawnie. She was very much without words. Buffy felt death calling to her. Knew that the only way to save her little sister, and the world, was to sacrifice her life. In those final moments, she had actually found peace. Knowing that she was doing the right thing. Knowing that her friends would be okay without her. Course she was wrong about that. Sometimes one may be ready to move on, but those you love aren't. When she was resurrected, and found herself buried alive in a coffin. That event left the Slayer speechless as well. It also left her traumatized as all heck. Then when Spike saw her alive again, he was actually speechless for the first time ever. So okay, guess some moving moments do leave one speechless. If not dead. But this subject is far to sentimental for me, so I'm stopping before I actually feel so moved that I to find myself without words.
Theatrical_MuseMuse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 326