BOO! How would you go about scaring someone?
I am the one true source of all that is evil in every reality. And despite any doubters or stupid skeptics, you could even say that I am the personification of fear itself.
So it goes without saying that I have been scaring the crap out of people since the beginning of time. Not that it's hard. If humans have one common trait, its fear. Everyone is afraid of something. Common ones are fear of the dark. Fear of heights. Fear of water. Fear of snakes. Fear of spiders. I could go on, but I'm too lazy, so just look up common fears on an encyclopedia or something.
And yeah, there is good reason to fear many things. Bad things can and often do happen to the reckless or fearless. Yet I don't like to give away any secrets on how I would scare someone. So I'd say, just watch any horror film for a good idea. Something like Psycho, Friday The Thirteenth, Saw 4, or the classic Halloween. Yet despite William Shatner being the apparent face of fear, I'd never be caught dead wearing a cheesy Captain Kirk mask.
Truth be told, given my unique talent to look like anyone. Usually all I have to do, is just show up looking like someone dead, and thats enough to scare pretty much anyone. With others I gotta get a bit more creative. Find a fear, and exploit it. Like if someone fears bunnies, *cough*Anya*cough* then I'd use such cute little fuzzy animals to scare someone.
What do you hope for? That 20th Century Fox would realize that they can make millions from awesome movies about Angel, Buffy, Spike, and Firefly. So should stop sitting on their asses and make the damn movies already. But given how stupid most movie studio executives are, I'm not holding my breath.
With my unique way of seeing things, don't think my answer to the question would be what most would wanna hear. But since I don't give a crap what anyone thinks, I'll give my bluntly honest response.
Given that I'm not much for the niceness or goodness. I'm not really one of those that hopes for stuff. And if I did hope, it would be bad hope and not good hope. And yes, there so can be bad hope. Cause hello, people hopes for bad stuff to happen to other idiots all the time. Who doesn't want to see something bad happen to celebrities they hate. Or hope for a rival sports team to lose, so that their team can win. In life, there are winners and losers. Somebody has to lose. So the key is to make sure its the other guy the falls flat on their face and not you.
For everyone that hopes for something good to happen. There is someone else hoping for the worst to happen. That's just the way people are. So in closing, if I did hope for something. What I'd hope for, is that people would stop being such whining cry babies about everything. So what if something bad happens. Boo hoo, whatever. Get over it, move on. Crap happens. That's life. It can always get worse. And most likely will. Complaining or crying about stuff just gives everybody a big fat headache, and doesn't do any good. And with that useful or not so useful advice I'm shutting up now.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic's # 255 & 256
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 257 and 327