What's the worst compliment you've ever received?
First of all, lets just say that I hate compliments. Compliments are sappy and totally make my stomach turn. So unless I'm pretending to be someone sweet and caring, I'll never give a compliment to anyone.
In terms of the worst compliment I've ever received. As the First Evil, people usually aren't much for the compliments. Like most others on the evil side of the fence, people don't ever pay me compliments. Heroes get compliments all the time for their acts of heroism. Celebrities get complimented for making some stupid tv show or movie. Sports figures get compliments for being good at hitting a ball or some such other meaningless activity. Even politicians get compliments for giving away other people's money.
But does the villain get complimented for all the hard work and effort they put into their schemes? Or do vengeance demons get thanked for bringing justice to those who deserved to be punished for the wrongs they had done? Or does the vigilante get thanked for doing what the good guys don't have the guts to do. The answer is no. Nobody ever appreciates how hard it is to be bad. It's a very under-appreciated vocation.
Okay, maybe my minions do sometimes remember to compliment how awesome I am. But their just but kissers. It's in their job description to say how wonderful I am. So isn't really the same as a neutral party or an acquaintance giving a sincere compliment.
Anyway, there was this one time that some confused fairy, a mythical woodland creature thought that I was nice. Seriously, they actually complimented me for being nice. I really don't think that saying hello, and pretending to care about someones problems makes me nice. Sadly some beings are too kind, gullible, and trusting for their own good. But the compliment did throw me off my game. And lead me to get the heck out of there. Cause positive feelings are something I can't stand to be around. So yeah, the worst compliment I got, and can ever get is someone saying I'm nice. Cause I may be many things, but being nice darn sure isn't one of them.
In closing, don't ever compliment me. Unless it is an insincere compliment about how great I look. Or that I'm the best thing since the Internet. I don't mind those compliments. But do keep in mind that flattery will get you nowhere with me... or everywhere. Depends on my mood. And with that, TTFN.
Theatrical_Muse #336
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 434