Tell the story behind your name (or nickname).
The story behind my name is born from the beginning of all that is. Before there was a universe. Before time, space, or matter came into existence. Before the Big Bang. There was me. There was darkness. A darkness devoid of all light or hope. I'm that darkness.
Some fools doubt that I even exist. Yet what others think or believe is of no consequence. I'm beyond human understanding. I'm the source and embodiment of all that is evil. I'm older than any other evil being. And regardless of what others think, I'm the very first entity ever to have existed. My name is The First Evil.
Ergo, given my origin. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that my name comes from being the first evil entity. First. Evil. Ever. Nuff said.
In closing, I have no name other than The First Evil. Though I let a few get by with calling me First-y. And some who don't like the word evil, want me to just go by The First. Far as I'm concerned, call me whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Cause I'm not a human, demon, or god. I'm beyond such things as names. I'm power itself. And power needs no name.
Theatrical_Muse: Topic #338
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 228